Chapter 4 - All the World's a Stage
Several Oscars adorn his trophy case, including those for best actor in the title roles of Babe, King Kong and Lassie. Of course, his long-running stellar performance as Flipper remains as one of the highlights of television's history. He has played Hamlet, performed open-heart surgery on TV, recently spoke with Elvis, and slept with Madonna.
His 4-hour version of Hamlet features a fully choreographed water ballet, a nude scene featuring Ed Asner, and a surprise ending that reveals O.J. as the killer of Hamlet's father.
Bob is skilled in various forms of dance. He was taught the belly dance by Jeanie of the Bottle. Below you can see Jeanie instructing one of the typical ordinary folks who drop in to visit with Bob.
Visitors arrive via plane, jet, rocket, blimp, balloon, helicopter, train, car, and pack animal every day. All modes of transportation can be easily accommodated at the homestead. Ample parking is available for vehicles of all types of vehicles, and at most reasonable rates ($10 for the first 30 minutes, $10 for the next, and then $17.50 per hour with a maximum of $150 per day).
Though not usually one to drop names, you may recognize some of these recent visitors in these pages from his photo album:
Even visitors from far away (click here to see how far) will find their every needs attended to.