Excerpts from Bartlett Tripp journal, 1861 May-August June 7-9, 1861
Contains names of some from the company
LDS History Library, Salt Lake City Utah
Call Number MS4210

Friday 7.

Came out about 7½ - 2½ mi to Ferry at Columbus swam the loose stock—Teams commenced crossing at 9 and were all across at 5. P.M.—Ferry extends about half way across the river. boat coming to the shore on the east side leaving a long distance on the west side to be forded—Quick sand forms it [at] bottom which renders the fording very difficult for loaded wagons—most passed with little difficulty. some teams afraid of the water—In camp near the west bank of the Fork with plenty of water and wood—a very fine Spring about ¾ of a mile from camp[.] our team came in today which raises our number to 61 wagons—They are as follows[:]

(A) W[ashington]. & P[elique]. B. Jolley. 8 mules, 6 oxen[,] 3 wagons. (Passengers &c)D[avid]. H. Cannon, Elijah Thomas. Isaac Harrison, Phebe A. Overbay, R. L. E. Nichols.

(E) Sam[uel]. Ward & wife & 1 child

(A) William Dreemer [Desumer] - wife & 6. chil.
James Bosworth Levi Dreemer [Desumer] 4 mules. 1 wag[on]

A) Thomas J. Jones & wife. Wm. Orton—6 Horses—2 wags

A.)Truman Higley. wife & 4 chil[dren]. Walter Gladwin. Sarah J. Wooldridge & E) James Bosworth—4 mules. 4 Horses. 6 cows. 2 wags

S) Ralph Smith. wife & 4 chil. E.R. Walker. 6 oxen. 6 cows. 1 wag.

E.) Martha Baly [Bailey] & Son. 2. oxen. 1 wag.

A) Elam Sperry. wife & child. 2 oxen. 1 wag -

E) Frederick Merryweather & wife

A) Hylan Davis. 4 oxen. 1 cow. 1. wag

A) W[illia]m. W. Hutchings.

E). Fred. Kingston & Martha Hanson 6. oxen. 2 cows. 2 wag—

A) Lewis Williamson wife & 3 chil.

E) Jane Pearsley. 2 horses. 1 wag

S) James Paul & wife & 3 chil. 4. 1 wag

E) Robert Halford, wife & 2 Sons. Martha Sant. 6 oxen. 1 wag.

E) Robert Fisher. wife & 2. chil. 4 oxen. 1 wag.

E) Wm. Turner. wife & 1 child. Jos[eph]. Oxborrow & wife. 4 oxen. 4 Cows. 1 wag

E) John Sanderson. wife & 2. chil. 2 oxen. 4 cows. 1 wag

E) John Denton. wife. 3 chil. 4 oxen. 2 cows. 1 wag—

W) Jos[eph]. [Henry] Joseph. wife & 3 chil. Ann Joseph & Reese Richards. 4 oxen. 2 cows. 1 wag

A) J. W. Thomas & John Koyle.

E) John Bosworth & wife. 10 oxen. 4 cows. 2 wag

E) Rob[ert]. Thomas & wife & 2 chil. Elisabeth Carlson. 4 oxen. 1 wag. 3. cows

C) Marrilla Hanson & 6 chil.

E) Abel Matthews & Son. Martha Roscoe. 8. oxen. 2 cows. 2 wag—

E) Wm. Green. wife & 1 child. Charles Wootten. 2 oxen. 2 cows. 1 wag

E) Elisabeth Ford & 3. chil. 2 oxen. 2 cows. 1 wag

C) Clark Barzee. Wife & 4 chil. Bartlett Tripp. 4 oxen. 4 cows. 1 wag.

C) Gilbert Cummings. wife & 4. chil. 2 oxen. 4. cows. 1 wag.

A) Lem[uel]. J. Cornwell. wife & son. Chas. [Charles] Williamson

E) Emma Morris 1. Horse. 2. oxen. 2. cows. 2 wag.

A) Hilton [Milton] Cheney. wife & 2 chil. James McCurdy, Hurd [Heard] Cheney

E) Susan Leggett. 16. oxen. 8 cows. 11. L[oose]. Stock. 7 Horses. 5 wag

A) Clark Higley. wife. 5 chil. Lucritia Higley. Harv[e]y Lyons[,] Elisha Harrison.

E). Mary Mills. 12 oxen. 12. H[orses]. 46. L[oose]. S[tock]. 4 wag

A) J[ames]. S. McClintock, wife & chil. A.J. Greenfield. 4 oxen. 1 cow. 1 wag

A) S[amuel]. A. Wilcox. wife & 8 chil. John McGuire. Crandall Ellison 6. Horses. 16. oxen. 90 Loose Stock. 3. wag

A) Reub[en]. B. Eggleston. wife. 1 child. Orson H. Eggleston. 4 oxen 1. cow. 1 wag

W) Thom[as]. George. 3 boys. Ed[ward] Burgoyne & wife. 2 oxen. 1 wag

E) Sam[uel] Allen & wife. Rob[ert]. Morris. 1 oxen. 2 cows. 1 wag.

A) S[olomon]. J. Despain. wife & Six chil. Susan Dean. 2 oxen 2 cows. 2 Horses. 2 wags-

A) David Allred. wife & 7 chil. Wm Miller. 4 oxen 2 Horses. 11 L[oose]. Stock. 2 wags.

A) Isaac Allred. wife & 5 chil. 3 oxen. 1 wag.

A) G[reene]. W. Allred. wife & 5 chil. 3 oxen. 6 cows. 2 Horses. 2 wags.

A) John J. Allred. wife & 6. chil. 2 oxen. 3 cows. 1 wag.

C) Michael Yeamans [Yeaman] wife & 2. chil. 2 oxen. 2 cows 3. Horses. 1 wag.

C) W[illia]m Yeamans [Yeaman]. Wife & 3 chil.[,] 4 oxen. 1 wag.

C) Tho[mas]. Yeamans [Yeaman]. wife & 1 child. 2 oxen. 1 wag.

A) Thomas Eldridge & wife. 3 chil. Wm. Hall. wife & 1 child[,] Sophronia Barlow. Mary Davis. 2 oxen. 4 cows. 1 wag.

Sat. 8.

Started at 8.—cool and cloudy. Took dinner on the ; 6 miles—In camp on Badger Creek. Dist. 16 miles. Last part of the road quite bad. many bad sloughs—Bro. P.B. Jolley had a very violent attack this morning resembling a fit. Train halted some 20 m. He is much better at night though weak
Sunday 9.

Still cool and cloudy. Fine weather for travelling cattle. Came out 7½ A[.]M. so far as the Junction of the roads leading from the Genoa and Columbus Ferry. —Preaching P.M. by Bro. W. L. Jolley. and remarks by Bro Cannon[.] Miss Emma Morris had a very bad fainting fit at the close of the services—Evening 15 were baptized. Names as follows[:] Wm. Desumer. aged 38. Born N.J. [;] John Allred. 39. Tenn. Michael Yeamans [Yeaman]. 53. New Bruns.[;] David Allred 35 Tenn: Wm Yeamans [Yeaman] 28. U[pper]. C[anada]. Emily Desumer 33 N.Y.[;] Susan Dean. 18. Ark.[;] Cynthia Yeamans [Yeaman] 49. N.J.[;] Sop[h]ronia Barlow 19. Ill.[;] Rach[el]. Desumer 15 N.Y.[;] Mary Allred 24 Ohio.[;] Jas. Bosworth. 77. Eng.[;] C[hristopher]. C. Williamson 19. Mich: Levi Desumer 20. N.Y.: Thomas Yeamans [Yeaman] U. C.