July 13th

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 “Just south of Chicago”


"It’s early. I’m typing this in a completely dark hotel room just outside of Chicago while everyone else sleeps. Didn’t get much sleep last night – this double (maybe it’s a twin) bed just isn’t big enough for me, let alone Mom and me. Got up and put Mom’s clothes in the dryer (didn’t quite get done with the wash yesterday before hotel check-out time). 


Yesterday was great.


  1. The boys had load of fun at Cedar point . . . getting sunburned, waiting in lines, eating fast food, scraping there little toes on the raspy bottom of the pools at the water park, etc. . . . just having a whale (or is that wail ;-) ) of a time.
  2. Barb and I, on the other hand, spent a leisurely day visiting Marblehead (and Cedar point) lighthouses and shopping in various graft stores (I admit this was scary for me ;-) ). I had fresh Lake Erie perch for lunch while Barb tried the Walleye.  

As Barb and I sat on the shore of Lake Erie watching the boats go by and hearing the waves lap against the shore, she said at least two things.


  1. I can see why my family loved Lake Huron so much (read my tribute to Pa, for instance, on my web page if you have forgotten this).
  2. It’s time to get our boat out (Ah Oh!).

So there you have it – two lifestyles ;-)


Today we dip south, way south, back to Nauvoo and more ‘parade of homes of 1835’ – Oh goody!


BTW, Barb says we are eating way, way too much ice cream on this trip. How can that be!? ;-)




Barb full of Walleye, Steve filled with Perch, Nick of the scraped foot, and James of the sunburned back."


Marblehead Lighthouse, the World's tallest roller coaster (So the boys say), Cedar Point through the mist at Marblehead, and a view from Marblehead into the vastness of Lake Erie.



 NEXT:  On to the next message of the trip . . .  

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