July 9th

Saturday, July 9, 2005 “Really Big Shew and other adventures”


"Yesterday it rained cats and dogs. Had to buy two bumbershoots and a poncho. We tried to stay dry while we visited the Joseph Smith farm and the Sacred Grove. But by show time for the pageant, the rain had stopped and we saw the really BIG show (shew). Mom and I attended a temple session in the Palmyra temple too. Between the hotel and the Palmyra area we must cross the Erie Canal 5 times . . . 'we've hauled some barges in our day, filled with lumber, coal and hay, and every inch of the way we know from Albany to Buffalo'.


Today is the REALLY big falls day -- Niagara falls . Hope we can get the boys up and going. There is breakfast downstairs at this hotel so that should help motivate them. We lack the proper papers (birth certificates) to properly enter Canada but we are going to try anyway (we all have picture IDs . . . so what the hey . . . it's worth a try). If we don't cross the Canada we can still do the falls, it's just that we'll miss the 'Ripley Believe it or Not Museum ' and I was r e a l l y looking forward to seeing weird and ridiculous stuff in wax (NOT. . . this is one of the things the boys picked out) :-)


Pictures of the Sacred Grove and the really Big Shew are attached.


The Sacred Grove, Nephites and Lamanites at the Hill Cumorah Pageant, and a Lock 29 on the Erie Canal. 


 NEXT:  On to the next message of the trip . . .  

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