Business Directory
Agents' Resources
National Association of Realtors (NAR's
home page)
Real Estate Investigation Services
(Four Great Services in the San Francisco Bay area for the Real Estate Industry: Investigations
for Buyers, Sellers & Realtors. Body toning and street survival training for
Seattle Filmworks (Photo Developer,
electronic formats available over the web)
PictureWorks Technology, Inc.
(Real estate imaging software for agents and brokers)
Skytel (Local and National paging
- (The easy way to find your appliance parts, now with three easy ways to locate the exact part for your major appliance!) APPL/CONSULT
Local appraisers pages are now listed geographically in RealtyGuide.
Look for the keyword "APPR".
Accolade Appraisal Network, Inc.
(Nationwide) APPR/CONSULT
Appraiser Central
(National Real Estate Appraiser Directory) APPR
Appraisal Institute of Canada
(RealWorks Forum)
The Prudential - ALM (Michael Keenan MAI,
specializes in MI NH ME) APPR/ICI
WinPSAR (WinPSAR Computerized Residential
Property Valuation Software can save you thousands of dollars in appraisal
costs by providing an accurate automated residential property valuation
in minutes.) APPR/OTH
Local auctioneers' pages are now listed geographically in RealtyGuide.
Look for the keyword "AUCTION".
NETIS Auction Page (Real Estate
Auctions Information)
The Internet Auction List (The Largest
List of Auction Company Web Sites Available on the Internet )
Building Design & Construction
Local builders' pages are now listed geographically in RealtyGuide.
Look for the keyword "BLDR".
A-Ball Plumbing Supply (The world's
finest plumbingware delivered to your door)
Build.Com (Online resource and directory
for building and home improvement products and information)
Carpet Connection of America (A virtual
carpet warehouse)
Construction Consulting Company
(Technology for the Construction Industry)
Farnsworth Technical Services (500
Custom and Strock House Plans by A. Larry Farnsworth, RD)
Design Connection (house plans and garage plans from
the Internet's top designers)
Faucet Outlet Online (largest selection
of faucets available online in the world)
HomePlans (House plans, home plan, floor plans, blueprints, home design, construction house plan, affordable houseplan, architect design)
Lindal Cedar Homes (Seattle, WA - Manufacturers custom cedar homes, log homes, log cabins, and sunrooms.)
Maine Solar House (An experiential account. How would you like an $8.00 monthly power bill?)
National Home Planning Service Online
(NHPS, along with their team of architects and designers, is committed to providing you with the
best house plans available)
WestHome Planners (House Plans, Garage and Floor Plans and Blueprints by Westhome Planners: House plans, home designs, cottage and garage floor plans with construction blueprints available by express shipping internationally. Search our online catalogue.)
WL Martin Home Designs (Builder friendly house plans are featured as well as houseplans, home design, House Plans and floor plans by WL Martin Home Designs houseplans)
Construction Consulting Company
(Technology for the Construction Industry)
DIMS (Stephen Dimond, MSc.,
P.Eng. - Vancouver, BC Canada)
Information Strategies for the Real
Estate Industry (The Arctos Group, Boston)
Jurock International Net (RE Management
Consultant, Seminars, Motivation)
Seifel Associates, San Francisco
CA (Real Estate Economics Analysis and Consultation)
Developers & Builders
DIMS (Stephen Dimond, MSc.,
P.Eng. - Vancouver, BC Canada)
Client/Employee Gifts & Awards
- Many-Thanks
( your "Virtual Gift-Giving Agent" is an ideal way of expressing your "Thanks" and appreciation to employees or clients.)
Educational Offerings
American Inspectors Society
(Certified Home Inspectors Training and Home Inspections)
The Burrell Group (National Specialist in
RE Automation, speaker, workshops, education)
CommCepts International (Don Sanders
EMS, training & software for real estate, exchanges)
Ohio State
University (Finance Department Courses)
Professional Education Associates
(Environmental, real estate and land use publications, consulting and education seminars - including,
The Real Estate Guide to the Environment for real estate professionals, and The Home and Land
Buyer's Guide to the Environment for home buyers.)
Real Estate Center (Texas A&M
University, College Station TX)
Real Estate Educators (Michael Bryan, Pittsburg
The Virtual College of Real Estate
(This Israli website is written in Hebrew)
Employment Services
CommCepts International (Education
on exchanging)
Ten Thirty-One, Inc. (A real
estate Exchange Accomodator and Consultant, which provides information
on the tax saving benefits, procedures and requirements of Internal Revenue
Code Section 1031)
Forms & Contracts
Appraiser's ToolBox
(Windows forms processing software)
Instanet Forms®
(On-line real estate forms database from CDM, Inc.)
Katkus Procuctions, Inc.
(Free Real Estate Forms)
ProForce's Digital Office
(ProForce® presents the first software to be made in powerful Adobe Acrobat, and includes nearly 2,000 electronic forms that include: Brochures, Newsletters, Flyers, Tools, Manuals, and over 500 digital signature ready contracts.)
RealFA$T Forms
(RealFA$T® Forms for Windows provide the REALTOR® with his/her Board/Association's own forms package--Your Board/Association's forms ONLINE)
United Systems Software
(Electronic forms for Real Estate and Appraisal professionals, leaders in EDI Technology, and we produce all of the FNMA and FHLMC REO Forms in Windows Format. We also have the Arizona Real Estate Forms.)
Zipform® (RE Forms Net LLC. ZipForm® is a powerful easy-to-use software program that has been helping real estate offices across the country increase productivity. ZipForm® allows Real estate agents to reduce the amount of time spent on transaction documents by as much as 50%.)
ZipForm XL
(Real Estate Forms automations solution for REALTORS, from ZipForm XL and division of CBF Systems, Inc.)
Franchises and Business Opportunities
US Mortgage Reduction, Inc.
(Become an agent of US Mortgage Reduction, Inc. - Business Opportunity in Mortgage Acceleration.)
Government Agencies
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
(Part of the Federal Reserve System)
Government Owned Assets
Home Improvement
Build.Com (Online resource and directory
for building and home improvement products and information)
Home Improvement
Net Tips (Ideas and Products for Homeowners)
House Services
ASHI® Ohio (American Society
of Home Inspectors, Ohio) OTH
PestWeb (Pest Control Industry Website
brought to you by Van Waters & Rogers, Inc.)
Water Detective (Wireless Alarm
Products, Inc. shows how to prevent water damage with the Water Detective,
the first affordable Wireless Water Damage Alarm. Prevent water damage
from sump pump failure, hot water heaters, leaky foundations, or any other
water damage. No wiring, installs in minutes, alerts homeowners to water
Legal Resources
Lenders or Loan Information
Go to the FINANCE page of RealtyGuide.
Licensing Information
Also see Professional Trade Organizations for information
from specific states' Association of Realtors on licensing.
Investments & Partnerships
Mail Lists
Learn about "Mail Lists" and how they work. Read David Moninger's excellent
description and discussion of
Real Estate Oriented Mail Lists. This is highly recommended reading for the beginner.
These are not hypertext links, but lists that you can subscribe to through
e-mail. All contributions to the list are echoed to all the subscribers.
A "moderated" list does not accept contributions unless you are a member.
a Subject: help (this gets you an automated reply explaining the system).
For those of you without access to the Cohousing WWW site, this e-mail
list will access the same information. It contains serveral megabytes of
useful information about cohousing, including the current Cohousing Resource
Guide and the list of cohousing phone contacts for North America.
FDIC Bulksale List: (in body, write "subscribe
bulksale") This is a moderated list of bulk-sale offerings by the FDIC
of loans acquired from defunct lending institutions. Deep discounts are
available on residential, commercial and industrial loans, depending on
their status.
FOR SALE BY FAX: It's a twice monthly bulletin listing commercial
real estate for sale or the acquisition requirements of buyers nationwide.
Totally free. Send e-mail to FTP@PROPERTY.COM and in the body of the message,
write "HELP".
HOA-LIST: This list is for discussions among owners and board members
as well as prodessionals and others serving HOAs (Home Owners' Associations).
Includes condominiums, co-ops, townhouses, planned unit developments, and
other common interest developments. Messages sent to HOA-List are immediately
forwarded to all other members of the HOA-List. A weekly digest version
is also available. Members discuss issues related to HOAs including ideas
about the rights of individuals versus the right of the association, funding
reserves, accounting, taxation, law and the problems that HOA boards encounter
in dealing with people, parking and pets. To subscribe, send mail to
(in the body, write "join HOA-LIST", or "help HOA-LIST" if you just want
GOVSALES is a free public list for government sales and auction
announcements from FinanceNet. FinanceNet, established at V.P. Al Gore's
National Performance Review, is a "one-stop-shop" for information on the
sale of all manner of public assets from real property and loans to cars,
boats, planes and just about anything that any government agency - federal,
state, local or international - will be offering for sale to the general
public electronically. To subscribe, send e-mail to
and include "subscribe govsales your_first_name your_last_name" in the
first line of the body.
HOMEBASICS ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER Contains articles about homebuying
and buyer agency, homeowning, trends, demographics, innocations, etc. To
subscribe, send a message to (in the body of your
message, type "subscribe home-buying (your e-mail address>).
MORTGAGE-CANADA is a list for the discussion of mortgages in Canada.
It's purpose is to allow Canadians to discuss topics such as current mortgage
rates & trends, first time homebuyer questions, mortgage renewals and
how to negotiate better interest rates, etc. To subscribe, send a message
to (in the body of your message type "subscribe
PERSONAL FINANCE MAGAZINE contains some real estate oriented information
regarding loans, mortages, taxation, etc. Subscribe by sending e-mail to (in the body, write "subscribe persfin-digest").
TENANT-NET is a New York York City based online resource for tenant's
rights. Contains information on tenants' rights and tenant issues, limited
referral and guidance, tenant advocancy. To subscribe, email to
with your userid and real name.
list covering commercial property in the United Kingdom. Subscribe by sending
e-mail to and include the following line in the body: subscribe
[your e-mail address] [your name] [your company] (note: it isn't necessary
to enter the brackets, just leave a space between the data).
Moving & Relocation
Allied Van Lines
(Local, National or International Moving)
American Relocation Center (Free
resource for anybody moving)
Global Van & Storage South (Agent
of Global Van Lines)
- (Moving companies & moving services -
Get multiple quotes from movers in your area)
Metro Research (Providing natiowide
neighborhood demographic, economic, and crime reports for any adress in
the country. Designed for buyers, sellers, and agents.) CONSULT/RELO/OTH
Moving Boxes (need for your move! Try our box calculator -
Always Free Shipping!)
Go to the LIBRARY page to read newsletters.
Newsletters by Fax
These are not hypertext links! You can obtain a newsletter or report
through your fax machine by calling these numbers (24 hour fax on demand
unless otherwise noted):
For Sale by Fax (Commercial Real Estate for Sale) 609-587-4651 Mortgage
Market Information Services (free sample) 800-844-4648
Printing and Copying Services
PictureWorks Technology, Inc.
(Real estate imaging software for agents and brokers)
United Electronic Printers, Inc.
(Color Printing, Specialized internet services)
PR, Promotion & Web Services
The Allied Group, Inc (The Allied Group
Inc. developes interactive multi-media kiosks for real estate applications)
Internet Media Works! (Web services
to the real estate industry)
RealLink, Inc. (Real estate ISP and
MLS systems)
TerraVision Media (San Francisco
based Web Designers for the Real Estate Industry)
Urban Feature Real Estate Web Solutions (Build a dedicated property
website in minutes, step-by-step wizard easily guides you through the process. It's easy for everyonw!)
Western SkyLine Promotional Services
(Promotional products for the real estate market)
Professional Trade Organizations & Commissions
AIA (American Institute of Architects)
ARELLO (The Association of Real Estate License Law Officials)
ASHI® Ohio (American Society
of Home Inspectors, Ohio) OTH
Baldwin County Association
of Realtors MLS (Baldwin County, Alabama) AOR/MLS/DBS
California Association of Realtors (CAR's
home page) AOR
Counselors of Real Estate (CRE is an
NAR affiliate for professional commercial Realtors) AOR
CRS, Northern California Chapter
(Certified Residential Specialist) AOR/DBS/REF$/RELO
League of California Homeowners (A
Consumer Information & Services Organization)
Log Homes Council (A national organization with membership comprised of manufacturers of log homes)
Louisiana REALTORS® Association
(Louisiana Living Network) AOR/MLS/DBS
NAEBA (National Association of Exclusive
Buyer Agents) AOR/BUYR
NAHB (National Association of Home Builders)
NARPM (National Association
of Real Property Managers)
NAR (National Association of Realtors)
NCE (National Council of Exchangors)
Northern Virginia Association of Realtors
Orange Coast Association of Realtors
(Newport Beach, CA public database of Orange County homes) AOR
Real Estate Center (Texas A&M
University, College Station TX)
Real Estate Educators' Association
(REEA is an international organization of people who are involved in the
wide range of areas in real estate education)
Texas Real Estate Commission
(Texas agency controlling real estate)
Utah Association of Realtors
(UAR, Salt Lake City UT) AOR
Property Management
Landlords Source Centre (The support, help and
information centre for Landlords, Property Managers, Co-ops and other real estate
interests throughout Canda, USA and expanding to serve globally.)
B.J. Murray, Inc. (Leading installer
of turn-key property management systems)
NARPM (National Association
of Real Property Managers)
Real Estate Information
Australian Property Investor magazine
(Australia's only national full-colour magazine devoted to the business
of residential property investing. Many of the strategies and techniques
discussed are equally applicable in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South
Africa, UK and the USA, and we have subscribers from almost every part
of the world.)
CANLink Real Estate Directory
(Canadian Real Estate Links)
e-Space Connexions (Canadian Commercial
Real Estate Network, with free newsletter and a searchable database covering
Office, Industrial, Retail & Investment properties)
Estates Today (Prime Site for
International Commercial Property) ICI
Internet Real Estate Listings (IREL by
Howard Leshner)
RealtyGuide (Connections
to real estate resources on the Internet)
Pikenet Dispatch (Pikenet Directory
of Commerical Real Estate)
Referral & Relocation Services
BestAgents.Com (National buyer's
& seller's agents)
Metro Research (Providing natiowide
neighborhood demographic, economic, and crime reports for any adress in
the country. Designed for buyers, sellers, and agents.) CONSULT/RELO/OTH
MoveEasy (Move Easy Professional
Real Estate Network)
Realty Referral
Network (Online referral service)
RealtyGuide (Connections
to Global Real Estate Sources)
Stationary & Supplies
Econo Signs (Affordable advertising,
fast high quality signs: computer cut vinyl images and lettering, colorful
detailed screenprinting, real estate safety and construction and more!)
Sensible Solutions (MICR
Toner, Business checks/cheques)
Tenant/Landlord Information
(Massachusetts Dept. of Consumer Affairs)
- Real Esate Tech Online (Your High Tech Real Estate Lifeline)
Title and Escrow Companies
Title and Escrow companies are also listed geographically on other pages.
Look for the keyword "ESCR".
The Commonwealth Agency
(Broad Ax, PA)
Lender's Service, Inc. (Nationwide
provider of Appraisal, Title Insurance and Closing Management Services)
Uncatagorized or Misc. Services
Consumer World® (Price
Comparisons, Reviews and Pricing Services - over 1500 useful catagorized
comsumer resources)
HUD Refunds
(FHA's list of those owed money on early terminated FHA loans)
- LegalWise (Making Quality Legal Protection Affordable)
- Schoolmatch (Nationwide USA School Research, Data and Consulting Services)
© Copyright 1994-2010 by George M. Dodge, Realtor® - Statesville, North Carolina USA. All Rights Reserved.
RealtyGuide International helps buyers and sellers of property anywhere in the world. Simply telephone George Dodge at +1 336-468-0168.
Thank you for visiting RealtyGuide's website. Any trademarks used herein are property of their respective owners.



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