Family and Church History

This site contains accurate information.

Family and Church History is created for persons who wish to explore early Mormon History. This is a non-proselyting Web Site. The format of this site may be changed periodically.

© 2024 by H. Michael Marquardt. All Rights Reserved.

Family History:

Nauvoo Temple Endowment Name Index

Patriarchal Blessings of Joseph Smith Sr. and Hyrum Smith with Name Indexes (pdf files)

Church History:

A Chronology: 1816-1844 This is a pdf file.

Church History Essays by H. Michael Marquardt (pdf files)

An Appraisal of Manchester as Location for the Organization of the Church

Additional papers on the Church of Christ being organized at Manchester, New York on April 6, 1830 is on Mormon PDF Web Site - H. Michael Marquardt

Independence Temple of Zion

Early Life of Joseph Smith in New York

Joseph Smith's Visit to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Strange Marriages of Sarah Ann Whitney to Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet, Joseph C. Kingsbury and Heber C. Kimball

John Whitmer and the Revelations of Joseph Smith

Suggestions on evaluating LDS History

Historic Sites
Visitors to Hill Cumorah in Manchester, Ontario County, New York This is a pdf file.

Last modified August 1, 2024.

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