Arts Technology Program • University of Utah
Policy Statement and Syllabus
FA 4800 • Capstone Project in Arets Technology • Spring 2006

Friday, 9:40 - 10:30 am
Art Department, Room 258

Instructor: Edward Bateman
Telephone: 554-0465
Office Hours: By Appointment

This class is for advanced students in the Certificate program. Participants form a group to develop and create interdisciplinary projects under the supervision of a Fine Arts faculty member.

We ask that students propose and create a collaborative technology-based project with at least one other person, and that person must be outside your major discipline. The project doesn't necessarily need to be related to the ArtsTech Program specifically. 

This project should address the following criteria:
• The 'capstone' final project should demonstrate the ability to utilize the tools learned in the ArtsTech program as a means of exploration, expression, and communication.

•The project should be taken through the stages of conceptual development to completion and presentation.

•The project should be interdisciplinary in nature.

•There shall be a written artist statement explaining the reasons behind the concepts and creative choices embodied in the project.

The instructor of the course can advise you on the specific expectations of the project, or students can propose another faculty member to supervise their project. Other professors in the in the various departments of the College of Fine Arts can help you identify potential collaborators in their programs, if you have a specific project in mind and you'd like their assistance. Contact the class instructor for specific information and recommendations.

Capstone Project grading criteria:
Grading will be based on participation and the completion of the group project including the sophistication of conceptual issues embodied in the project choice as well as the creative and technical components of the project. Students will also evaluate the other members of their project team as one component of the final grade.

A Extraordinary commitment to the project: high quality of work, willingness to listen and do what is necessary for a successful project, meets all deadlines, takes leadership role when necessary, provides innovative ideas and suggestions to group, generally plays well with others.

Good commitment to the project: good quality of work, always available for discussion, missed one or two meetings or deadlines, good collaborator throughout the creative process.

Fair commitment to project: mediocre work, not always available when needed, relatively uninvolved in creative or production aspects of the project but did what told, did not contribute much to the overall vision.

Poor commitment to project: unreliable, uninvolved, or uncooperative.

Failure in meeting class objectives.

Please contact me immediately if an attendance problem or other class issue arises. Most problems can be resolved if attended to early rather than waiting until the end of the semester.

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