Montreal Hill fall 2016


I had scheduled a hike for Kessler Peak on September 25th, but a big storm passed through in the days before, and it dumped the first snow of the season on the peaks. I was concerned that getting up Kessler would be a steep, icy, muddy mess.

Fortunately Brad had a great idea — we could go up Montreal Hill instead. There is a road that goes most of the way up, so even under the snow, we could see the route and it wouldn't be too steep.

It was great. The sky was clear, the aspen were gorgeous, and some moose put in an appearance. I'd been waiting all season to see a moose — they were mysteriously elusive for me all season long.

Everyone in our group of 12 made it to the top. The view was spectacular. The fall colors were so amazing, I added a blog post to share them. Enjoy!

go to the Montreal Hill gallery