Mr. Charon & Miss Trupp's Connection to:

Major World Events
1945 to Today

  • World War II ends
  • Cold War begins
  • Eastern Europe becomes communist
  • Truman Doctrine
  • Marshall Plan
  • Berlin Airlift
  • NATO formed

  • Berlin Wall built
  • Cuban missile crisis
  • Vietnam War
  • Breschnev Doctrine

  • Economic decline of Soviet Union
  • Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika
  • Berlin Wall torn down
  • Soviet withdrawal form Afghanistan
  • Move toward democracy in Eastern Europe

  • Propaganda:
     Television: secure jobs for men
  • Warsaw Pact
  • Arms buildup
  • McCarthy Witch Hunts
  • Space Race begins
  • European Community formed

  • Détente
  • Reduction of nuclear arsenals
  • Aid to developing countries
  • Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
  • U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam

  • Development of the Internet
  • Collapse of Soviet Union
  • German reunification
  • Expansion of UN peacekeeping
  • Ethnic conflicts in Eastern Europe
  • Move toward market economy in Russia
  • Economic distress in former Soviet Union
  • Kosovo Crisis
  • Chechnyan Conflicts
  • Y2K Scare

Jan. 2000-May 2005
  • Concern over return of authoritarian rule in Russia under Putin
  • Milosevic "The Butcher" removed from power in former Yugoslavia
  • Mad Cow Disease remains a problem in Europe
  • American Energy Crisis
  • Milosevic Stands Trial for War Crimes
  • World Trade Center is destroyed by Terrorists: Sept. 11, 2001
  • Coalition of World Nations formed to fight Terrorism
  • The 100th Anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize
  • The Euro arrives in Europe
  • World Works to Rebuild Afghanistan following War
  • Philippine Government Helped by U.S. in Struggle Against Terrorism
  • Arab/Israeli Conflict Escalates into a Military Offensive
  • U.N. inspectors search for WMDs in Iraq
  • U.S. President Bush calls for invasion of Iraq. The "war" ends in less than one month resulting in the deaths of both of Sadaam Hussein's sons and Sadaam's capture.
  • North Korea threatens to expand nuclear proliferation
  • Abu Ghraib prison scandal deteriorates U.S. position in Middle East
  • **Voting takes place in Iraq
  • **Yassir Arafat dies. Mahmoud Abbas becomes new leader. Ariel Sharon (Israel) and Abbas work towards ending suicide bombings and begin move of Palestinians to take over Gaza Strip

The above information was taken and/or adapted from the transparency for Chapter 33 of the class text: Prentice-Hall, World History, Connections to Today. ©1999 Prentice-Hall and from the Prentice-Hall website:

**New additions May 2005

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