Yuba OFFline

If you would like to read Yuba in your local newspaper, please let them know about it. Give a call to the Feature Editor or Lifestyle Editor and tell them you like the column, and you think other readers will, too. Then give them the address of this site (http://www.xmission.com/~jayhall/yuba/), and suggest they read a couple of columns.

Heck, you can even give them my email address (jayhall@xmission.com). I'll be glad to hear from them.

If you edit a newspaper, magazine, newsletter, or other publication (including CD-ROM- and Web-based zines) and would like to include a Yuba column in your publication, send me an email message (jayhall@xmission.com) and I'll be glad to let you know how it can be done.

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Copyright 1996, J. Hall, all rights reserved