I purchased this microphone from an eBay seller with 300+ feedback at 100%

This page is for informational purposes, I hope it gives you good information to help you identify counterfeit product before you get taken. I have purposefully not identified the seller because he has shown remorse, and given me a refund. He claims to have been suckered himself.

View this document, borrowed from "dwarves88" on the forum, first

I have received confirmation from Shure Tech Support that this is indeed counterfeit.

Here is the capsule, screen, and wad of cellophane and hot glue I found in the barrel sitting on top of the XLR connector:

Here is the capsule housing in addition:

Capsule with lower barrel in background. Note two ORANGE wires leading to XLR pins.



Wad of cellophane and hot glue

XLR connector

Screen, note label poorly affixed, with tail covering the "C" in DYNAMIC

Capsule Housing

Capsule keeper and nut

Wad of cellophane and glue in position with two ORANGE wires.

Very damning, the capsule resistance reads .597 Kohms, or 597 ohms. A real SM57 should read < 400 ohms.