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 Jeremiah Stokes' Thunder Cave
            retold by Denise G. Jones

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"Thank you for the privilege of reading your version of Thunder Cave...It does everything you wanted it to do and more, far-surpassing the original editions. How much the children of today's world will profit from reading it, or having it read to them by caring mothers and teachers. You have done a wonderful thing through your diligence in retelling this fine story. Your book is a gem!"

--Bonnie S. Gudmundson, age 75, Bountiful, Utah
Correspondence, September 10 - October16, 2001 (Quoted by permission.)
Bonnie Gudmundson, who gave generously of her time and expertise to act as a proof-reader of Thunder Cave, has had poems, articles, and stories published in numerous local and national publications.


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"Thank you so much for the book!  I love it!   Now I even have one all for myself and my future family!!   How can I ever thank you?  You have no idea what a wonderful thing you have done for me by restoring this book!!!   It has been in my family for three generations and now we have it back!!!   So far I've reached the fourth adventure where Wigwah and Jasper and Zebbie have reached Thunder Cave and they met Solomon Swift.   That book is so funny and endearing; it really brings warmth to my heart to read it again because I forgot how magical and nice and what a wonderful message of giving and loving and caring it brings.   You have done an amazing thing by restoring this book.   I am witness that you have done a supberb job.   You have done exactly what you said -- kept Jeremiah Stokes' writing style, but adding a touch of your own to match it to today's interests.  I'm in awe!  Great job!!"

--Jessica Lynne Kirkham, age 18, Nevada
Correspondence, November 23-28, 2001 (Quoted by permission.)

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"This is a beautiful book! You couldn't have done a better job. A gorgeous edition. The binding, the pictures, the writing are wonderful. I read my copy of Thunder Cave, and I love it! This has been a family favorite. We are so excited to have this new edition. Thanks so much for your work on this book."

--Stephen, age 25, Santa Clara, Utah
Correspondence & phone call, December 10, 2001 (Quoted by permission.)

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Listening to his mother read the Millennnium EditionTM aloud, one boy says proudly, "We're reading Thunder Cave!   I like Grey Wolf.   He's a chief!"

--Win, age 10, Bountiful, Utah
Family Thanksgiving gathering, November 22, 2001 (Quoted by permission.)

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"I just wanted to let you know that the book came in today. It is beautifully bound. We are pleased with it, and I can't wait to read it. I have a visual problem, so both the larger font is great. My father-in-law is so interested in Thunder Cave, my curiosity has been sparked. I plan on taking a peek before his birthday. My mother-in-law is so excited. She can't wait to see Theran's face on his birthday. He has been searching for this for many years. Thanks again for all your help, and posting the book in the first place. I think we were meant to get this one."

--Stefany Mugleston, Boerne, Texas
Correspondence, February, 2002 (Quoted by permission.)

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"I really enjoyed reading this book. I particularly like the boys "Jaspah" and Zebbie. I think that Thunder Cave is a book with great morals inside and it gave me the sense of family unity that the boys had with their parents as well as the importance of friendship and love. I am really glad to have read it and I hope that I can read it one day to my children. It is a very Christ centered book. I want to thank Sister Jones for her work. Her children must be proud of her."

comment posted on Mahonri: Finding Light in the Darkness,
October 30th, 2003 (Source: "


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"I used to want my mother's old copy of Thunder Cave. Everyone in my family did! I don't want it now. This new edition is so much better! It's the only one I want to read. I love it! Thank you for your retelling of this family favorite."

--Cindy Hall; Sparks, Nevada
Correspondence & phone call, December, 2004 (Quoted by permission.)

"I was born and lived in Ferron, Utah, when my mother or my sister sat on the side of my bed and read Thunder Cave to me. It was a well-remembered part of my childhood. We don't know how our copy of the book was lost. I received Thunder Cave [Millennium Edition] and was very pleased with the book. It was the only "missing link" to my childhood which was over 70 years ago. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Thanks again for making it possible to relive the stories from many years ago."

--Earl Herring; Goodyear, Arizona
Correspondence, September 2005 (Quoted by permission.)

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