; April 22, 1997: Unseen Astrals ; ; astrals ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Here is the formula and parameter file of my latest fractal of the day. ; I have also posted the finished image to ABPF for those of you who have ; been requesting that I do so. The subject of the ABPF posting is ; "Fractal of the day, 22-04", the same as the subject of this posting. I ; really should have been doing this all along. When my web page is up and ; running in a few months, I'll post my best images there also. ; ; I found today's fractal formula more or less by lucky accident while ; noodling around with random numbers. To get the full feeling of the ; picture, imagine yourself an intrepid explorer of an alien world. You ; have just landed deep in an ancient crater and are climbing to the rim. ; Gradually, the sky is coming into view. Suddenly, you see above the rim ; these unearthly shapes, streams of energies flowing from nowhere to ; nowhere. What does it mean? ; ; You'll never know! ; ; As is apparent by this time, I am a surrealist. I suppose many fractal ; artists are. I love those vast empty landscapes, but more the peaceful ; yet mysterious ones of Yves Tanguy than the sensationalized ones of ; Dali. ; ; Are fractals mere mappings of reiterated formulas -- yes! Are they ; works of art -- yes! They are works of art because their creators ; declare them to be so. If an object owes its existence to a human ; being, and if at least one person finds pleasure in it, then that object ; is art. The very concept of art is a human invention; the very fact ; that people are debating whether fractals are or are not art, makes them ; art. ; ; Everything in the universe is a work of art; indeed, the universe itself ; is the grandest artwork of all. If anyone still doubts that fractals ; are art, let him show that non-art exists. Let him present one object ; that could not in some way be appreciated as art. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START FORMULA=================================================== Unseen_Astrals { ; time=0:00:03.85-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=other passes=t center-mag=-0.738637/\ 0.586415/4.020715/1/-53/0 float=y maxiter=430 inside=255 periodicity=10 colors=000888SGTRIVQKXOMZNO`MQbLSdKUfIWhHYjG_lFanE\ cpCerBgtAivBiuBjtCjtCksDkrDkqElpFloFmoGmnGmmHnlHnk\ InjIojJoiKphKpgLpfLqeMqeMrdNrcNrcQsdTsdVsdYse_sebs\ edsegtfitfltfntfqtfstgvtgxtguqerocolali_igYfdWcaU`\ _SYXQWVPVXOUZOT_OSaORbOQcOObMLaKJ`HG_FDZCAYA8X75W5\ DV8KTBSSE_QHfPKnNNoQPpTRqWTpXVoXXnYZRC3RD3QF4QG4PH\ 5PJ5OK6OL6NN7NO7MP8MR8LS9LT9LVAKWAKXAJYBJ_BI`CIaCH\ cDHdDGeEGgEFhFFiFEkGElGJjHOhHTfIYdJbbJg`Ke`Mc`Nb`P\ ``RZ`SX`UV_WT_XS_ZQ_`O_aM_cKZeKZjKZoLZtM_qOaoPblRd\ jSegUgeVhbWi_YkYZlV`nTaoQcqOdrLftIfqKgmNgiPhfSibVi\ ZYjV_jRbkNelKhlGjmCmlGhkKbjNYiRSiVNhZHgaCfe6ei1ei3\ fi5fi7gh9ghBhhEhhGhhIihKigMjgOjgQM9HM9HM9IN9IN9IN8\ IN8JN8JO8JO8JO8KO8KO8KO7KP7LP7LP7LS7NU6PX6R_6Ta5Vd\ 5Xg5Zi4`l4bn3dq3ft3hv2jy2lu5iq7fmAciCaeFZaIWXKTTNQ\ PQNLSLHVIDXF9_CB_ECZGEZHGZJHZLJYNLYOMYQOXSPXURXVTW\ XUWZWW`YWaZVc`VeaXgbZhzzz } frm:other {; Jim Muth z=c=pixel: z=z+(-4*(z^(-4)))+c^10+c, |z| <= 100 } ; END PARAMETER FILE============================================== ;