; May 12, 1997: Seven Magnificent Minibrots ; ; seven ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Over the past 7 years, I have probably written and deleted thousands of ; formulas. Most of these were discarded because they produced either a ; blank screen or duplicated figures that were more easily drawn with ; simpler formulas. Only a few survived to find a permanent home in my ; formula file. Today's formula, Test15, is one of the survivors. I've ; yet to get around to naming it. ; ; I thought of the formula today because I've been reading lately of ; formulas that draw multiple midgets in a circle. One thing today's ; formula does, among many others, is to draw any number of midgets of any ; order, facing either in or out, in a circle around the origin. Today's ; picture, seven_up, shows seven midgets of order two, arranged in a ; circle facing outward. To have them face inward, change the +0.35 ; assigned real p2 to -0.35. ; ; I'll leave it to the intrepid fractal explorers to discover how to ; change the number of midgets, or how to change their shape to midgets of ; a different order. I'll give only the caution that it's easy to get ; hopelessly lost. But even if you get lost, you'll see some strange ; sights. ; ; It's a tricky process involving several parameters that must be changed ; and coordinated at the same time. (OK, if anyone really wants to know, ; I'll send the method along, but be warned that the description of the ; method is mathematically convoluted and will make rather tedious ; reading.) ; ; To atone for today's fractal, which is much math and little art, I'll ; post a great piece of fractal art tomorrow. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6==================================== Seven_Magnificent { ; time=0:00:02.91-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Test15 center-mag=-0.00126273/0/0.51461 params=0.25/4/0.35/-3/2/1 float=y maxiter=90 inside=0 outside=tdis symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000000eJ`_ESU9JO4AMIBLVCJgDItEzeLzURzzXzzSz\ zOzzsrTsQu8Qu8Qt8Qt9Qs9Qs9Qs9QrAQrAQqAQqAQqBQpBRpB\ RoBRoCRnCRnCRnCRmDRmDRlDRlDRlERkERkERjERjFRjFRiFRi\ FShGShGSgGSgGSgHSfHSfHSeHSeISeISdISdIScJScJScJSbJS\ bKSaKTaKT`KT`LT`LT_LT_LTZMTZMTZMTYMTYNTXNTXNTXNTWO\ TWOTVOTVOgJK_PMTVOL`QGdGFeKEeNEeRDeUCfYCf`BfcAfgAg\ j9gn8gq7hw8gt8gr9gp9gnAflAfjAfgBfeBecCeaCe_CeYDdVD\ dTEdREdPFcNFcLFcIGcGGbEHbCHbAFd5Gc7Hb8IaAJaBK`CL_E\ MZFNZHOYIPXJQWLRWMSVNSUPTTQUTSVSTWRUXQWYQXZPY_O_`O\ `aNbbMccLddLfdKgeJifIjgIkhHmiGnjFokFqlErmDtnCuoCvp\ BxqAyqAzoDwmFukHriJpgLmeNkcQhaSf_UcYWaWYZU_XSbUQdS\ OfPMhNKjKGmGHlHIlIJlIJkJKkKLkKMjLMjLNjMOjNPiNPiOQi\ PRhPShQShQThRUgSVgSVgTWfUXfUYfVXiWYhVYgVYfVZfUZeUZ\ dUZdU_cT_bT_aT_aT``S`_S`_S`ZRaYRaXRaXRaWQbVQbVQbUQ\ bTPcSPcSPcROcQOdQOdPOdONdNNeNNeMNeLMeLMfKMfJLfILfI\ LgHLgGKgGKgFKhEKhDJhDJhCJ } frm:Test15 {; Jim Muth z=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=f*(pixel): z=((a*(z^b))+(c*(z^d)))^k+g, |z| <= 100 } ; END COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6====================================== ; END VERSION 19.6 FORMULA-PARAMETER FILE========================= ;