; May 14, 1997: Hairy Turn of Events ; ; hairy ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Sometimes I am asked what is my all-time favorite mandelbrot midget. I ; don't really have a single favorite, but today's little beauty is one of ; the most pleasing I know of to just sit and study. Strangely enough, ; it's not part of the standard Mandelbrot set, but rather the Z^2.0005 ; set. ; ; It's a rather disappointing fractal to print out on a CMYK printer -- ; you just can't get a good green -- but it turns out quite brilliant on a ; hexachrome (six color) printer. ; ; Since the par file runs under the Fractint manzpower formula, only the ; single par file is necessary. And for those who can't spare the machine ; time, the finished image is posted to a.b.p.f. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER FILE============================================ Hairy_Turn_of_Even { ; time=0:01:00.09-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1821 type=manzpower passes=1 center-mag=-1.74158301123617500/+0.000011604937727\ 29/5957600/1/156.000000007638903/2.772316531896024\ 12e-008 params=0/0/2.0005/0 float=y maxiter=1100 inside=0 logmap=yes sound=off colors=000OmfMoeJpdHrcOlfPkeQjdRicShbSfaTe`Ud_VcZL\ TEMUFNVGOWHPXIQYJRZKS_MT`NUaOVbPWcQXdRYeSZfTWdVUbY\ R`_OZaMWdJUfGShEQkBOmMVfPUfSUfVTfYSe`SecRefQeiQelP\ eoOdrOduNdhPefNeeLecJebHe`Fe_EeYCeXAeV8eU6eS4eeMnn\ WwxeSdMgUBSJ0CmVvlUujStiRshQrgPqeNodMnQAmO4lL8kMBZ\ OBfPDgQEhRFhQHiWFiVGjVKkVLkUMlUOlUPmTQnTRnSSoSTpSV\ pRWqRXqRYrQZsQfsQetPetPhzPczM_zJJzGBgDJOAFI7CC4961\ 607CB6BA6A9598487465354243232121Fz84828F4CL5GS7KZ8\ cdAmkBzqDzzEKXAKWCJVFJTHISKIRMHQPHORGNTGMWFLYFJ`EI\ bDGeBbzEJaGMXHQTJTOKWJLVJMTINSIOQIPPHQNHRMGTKGUJGV\ HFWGFXEFYDEZBE_AD`8DYII`MMbRQeVUgZYjcalgdokhqolttp\ vxtnjhmhglffkdfjbej`diZchXbgVbfTaeR`dP_cNZbLZaJYaH\ X`FW_DVZBVY9UX7TYBVYFXZIZZM`_Qb_Ud`Xf``hadjahlbknb\ opcsrdwtbnpcmpdkpdjpeipfgpgfphepidpibpjapk`plZqmYq\ nXqnVqoUqpTqqSqrQqsPqsOqtMquLqqPpoRomSokUniWmgXleZ\ lc`kaaj_cjYdiWfhUhgSigQkf } ; END PARAMETER FILE============================================== ;