; May 15, 1997: Storm Chaser Dream ; ; storm chaser ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I've read complaints lately about too much technology and not enough art ; in fractal-art. The technological aspect of fractals does seem to have ; been discussed rather heavily the past week or so, but let us not forget ; that without technology there would be no fractal art. Computers and ; fractal programs are the instruments through which we render our ; fledgling art. To ask us to avoid discussing our instruments would be ; like asking musicians to avoid discussing their instruments. It's just ; not going to happen. Tim Wegner must feel the same because I see he's ; just unsubscribed. ; ; What we need is that second mailing list I hear rumors of, devoted to ; the fringe topics of fractals, where we can discuss things such as math ; theory, Fractint, and even the philosophical aspects of fractals. ; ; That out of the way, let's get to today's fractal. I scribbled off the ; formula only this morning, and this stormy little midget, a cousin of ; bigblast, was the first to come from it. I can hear the sighs now, "not ; another midget mandelbrot", but this one draws in only a few minutes, ; and really is pretty good, especially when it is viewed in relatively ; low light. ; ; I've posted the finished picture as always to a.b.p.f., and also to ; alt.fractals.pictures, which I picked up. Until next time then, good ; viewing. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PAR AND FORMULA FILE FOR FRACTINT 19.6==================== Storm-Chaser_Dream { ; time=0:00:17.90-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Test17 passes=t float=y center-mag=-2.70090497153965500/-0.238222569570908\ 30/1928.371/1/75/0 params=1/0/2/-3/2/1 logmap=yes maxiter=800 bailout=100 inside=0 periodicity=10 colors=000700700700800800800800700800900A00B00C10D\ 40E43F58G6AI6CK6DM6CP6FR5FS5GW5GX5IZ5Ib5Id5Ig4Nh4N\ j4NmENiJNmJNqJNsNNpONtSNtRNuSNxSNySNzSNyTQyRSyPPyR\ WyWZyW`yWbyWdyWgyYiy`ky`my`ox`mx_kxaixbgxaex`cwWaw\ V_wZYwbWqeUlgSpeUmcWlaYdg_bdaddccee`cfJieYhdSbdEcc\ GdcHbbJeaLgaMh`Oi`Ql_Ro_Qm`OlaNjbLhbKgcIedHceFbfEa\ gCahB`iA_i8`j7`k5cl4dm3cm4ek5bi6cg6`f7_d8Zb9``9a_A\ cYBdWCfUCgTDiREjPFlOFmMGoKHpIHrHIsFJuDKvBKxALy8Ut8\ bp8kk7tf7ufCzfGzbKzdHzfFzcCz_Az_8zZ5z`3za1za5z`8z`\ Cz`Fz_Jz_Mz_QzZTzZXzY_zYczYfzXjzXmzaVz`WzaWzaWzbXz\ bXzcXzcXzeYzgYziYzkYzlYznYzpYzmYzjZzlZznZzoZzqZznZ\ zpZzq_zs_zp_zr_zn_zp_zm_zp_zk_zdcoZgqVkrUosRpsTqtV\ rtSruPsuRtuPttTorXiq`dodZnhUmqPnhQodQpaQqYQrZQrWQo\ XSlbTjcUg_Ve`WbaX`aZYb_Wc`TdaRdcOedMfeKf_IgTGgNDgH\ BhA9h4LlJWjXgdjrlxrjxrhwrfwrdwrcvravr_vrYusWusUtsS\ tsQtsPssNssLssJrsHrdai6kh } frm:Test17 {; Jim Muth z=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=f*(pixel): z=(((a/z)^b)+((c/z)^d))^k+g, |z| <= 100 } ; END PAR AND FORMULA FILE FOR FRACTINT 19.6====================== ;