; May 16, 1997: Two Lost Turtles ; ; turtles ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; For some reason I'm feeling a bit down this evening. It's become one of ; those days when I look at my fractal creations and ask myself, "why am I ; wasting my time on this stuff? -- it's all nothing more than a grown up ; form of coloring books and crayons." ; ; When I get this way, I think, "no matter how many fractals I find, I'll ; always have seen only zero percent of all possible fractals." And then ; I think of some new trick to write into a formula and try out. And then ; I'm back at my computer watching another image flow onto the screen. ; And then I know why I work with fractals. The answer is simple -- I do ; it because it's fun. ; ; Today's fractal is another midget -- this time a midget of the third ; order. I didn't give it much coloring effort, so the coloring can ; probably be improved. I named it "cubed" because Z-cubed is a major ; part of the formula. It was built with my Test15 formula, which is ; turning into quite a productive one. For convenience, the image is ; posted as always to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. ; ; I have a real winner fractal lined up for tomorrow, so keep posted. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PAR FILE FOR 19.6========================================= Two_Lost_Turtles { ; time=0:00:05.33-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Test15 passes=t center-mag=+0.54978586739578430/-0.027768062388507\ 51/303.2203/1/-40/0 params=1/3/-0.2/-3/3/1 float=y maxiter=750 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000exMN_ETWHAR5BSC3GBNvMZAhRUG`KKjAPt0TEVS9\ MhThEdnGpuIShFanIkuMFXLCRU8Lc5FlNVCTNBYEAc69I```aV\ t_mNcSTdgHYGGSKSL_b2wksHSdPafbkhplH3SiHbpNmwTWUGiK\ KxAOQRIYEOe1VQbWZboS`FbZJM_IQXPVTVZQaMYFQSIVMLHdFG\ fIFiMIxLN`BTY9ZW7dT5Rf9_j5io1LFIANR26eERB9E9417j2p\ TWOdP_pIkjzNRfM`kWjofttpJWDKOFMHGN9IVb9gb6ub3NdASf\ 8Xi5ak3IVMHMXGEfF5qLVKPMTSDaW4jQhGQfIYkOfpVUjWfrpZ\ _7oW2cwmMUDRKFVAH_0JFgCBlB7qA3v9IOBI9AQbBZcAfd9oe8\ CbK5cTTbHcaNnaSy`Y`fWskpsLPjg1LdJPfQTiXXkcGZAEV8BR\ 69N4WcSiegwgwQmTYyjTVNcNYoFh_S`rGy3n5S9bggDOXCURB_\ LBeFAWSNjHZGfJDjQAnX7rcIfFIjIHoMHsPSdObg_PWFWPIcIL\ MRDQEEV1GNdATf7Zh4dj1ae_vhwFeACi88m5LcCOeCSgCKaNM_\ ZOZiN_FRXuTNiWCXMLdCTm2au7ZuBXuGUuKRuUr_a4e8XuPPaK\ rmRNO`6_TWLdPVpIdlBWRUO`K_iBls1xdNkCu7QQZZDvgIkLYC\ PTCTOCXJDZP_oBxNYAST7XN5aI2SWHaONlGTIi0FZBCV98Q7AS\ V2HmKiHNqNyoASkXbtrQiFYpI } frm:Test15 {; Jim Muth z=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=f*(pixel): z=((a*(z^b))+(c*(z^d)))^k+g, |z| <= 100 } ; END PAR FILE FOR 19.6=========================================== ;