; May 20, 1997: Eternal Triangle ; ; triangle ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; A few days ago Ray Girvan posted a formula that drew distorted Newton's ; images, only to be told that this approach had already been ; investigated. After trying trying the formula, I realized that the ; images were strangely familiar. I had seen similar images somewhere ; before. Examining my Newton's formula file, I discovered a formula that ; contains within itself the ability to duplicate Ray's formula. The ; formula is attached to the end of this letter. (Set real p1 to 1, imag ; p1 to 3, real p2 to 3, imag p2 to 1, real p3 to 1, and imag p3 to 0.0001 ; and the formula draws the power 3 Newton's figure.) ; ; The formula is still in the testing stage. When I get it finalized, ; I'll eliminate some of the variables to make it easier to control. When ; I work with this formula, I start with the above parameters, which draw ; the power 3 figure, and change them one at a time. Many settings give a ; blank screen. When this happens, I search out the exact setting where ; the screen goes blank. Something unusual is almost always found there. ; When I get a blank screen that just won't do anything, I always try the ; bof60 inside fill before giving up. ; ; Today's fractal is all inside fill. At first glance, it looks nothing ; at all like a Newton's figure. But it is. Tomorrow, I'll post another ; fractal made with this formula, which doesn't even look like a fractal. ; ; Before I go, I'd like to pose a challenge. A while back, I was ; discussing fractals with a non-mathematical co-worker. The conversation ; drifted to four-dimensional fractals, and this person asked me to ; explain in simple language the difference between quaternions and ; hypercomplex numbers. I couldn't. Can anyone out there answer this ; person's question in easy-to-understand layman's terms? ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PAR FILE FOR 19.6========================================= Eternal_Triangle { ; time=0:00:36.30-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=NewtonTest26 center-mag=-0.118626/0.258174/0.5706667/1/-30/0 params=1/6/3/1/1/2.27e-032 float=y maxiter=90 bailout=100 inside=bof60 logmap=yes periodicity=0 colors=000IzAIv9It9Iq8Io8Il7Ik7KgALdDMbFN`IPZKQWNR\ UPSSSTQVUOXVM_WKaYIdZFf_Di`Bka9nc9oeApgAqiBskBtmBu\ oCvqCwsCxuDzwDzyEzzEzQNsLQwHSzzh9zfAydBybCx`ExZFxX\ GwVHwTIvRJvPKvNLuLNuJOtHPtFQpGSmGTiHVfHWbIYZJ_WJ`S\ KbOLdLKcHKaEJXAJUEMWIOYMV`Q`_UfZYkZ9GQ9GQ00A00A00A\ 00A00A00A00A00A00A00A00A00A00A9GQsXSwOFwSGwVHvZIvb\ JveKviLulMupNwgQx_TzRWzIZnbibvseuqhsolrmoqkroiungu\ eltYqtPvqQumRtjSsfUrcVq_WpXXoTYnRVkPRiMOfKKdIHaSap\ `uzJozOlzTixYgwbdugaslZqqXptWivWbxVWzVPzUIzUBByybq\ qzijygevd`rbWn`QkYLgWGkVOnTVrSbuRjyPqzOyczqzVzkjZS\ y7ezrhylkvgnsaqoWtlQwiLzfFyiLykRxnXxqcwtiwvovyuvzz\ sRKwRSzSZzSfzYbzcZyiVwnQutMszIqzErzIrxLstPsoStkWtg\ Zodbk`gfYkaUoYRtTNxRSnQYeObWRcYTd`WebYge`hgbijejlW\ GQYOT_WWbc_dkbfsehzhmq`rgUwZNzPGzF9zH8zJ8zL7zN6zO6\ zRCzUIzWOyZTw`Zucdteip`blXXiTQeOKaKDaNFaRHaUJaXL`_\ N`cP`fR`iTInCInCImBImBIlA } frm:NewtonTest26 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), z=(pixel): zx=z^b-a zy=c*z*z z=z-(d*zx/zy)^k, |zx| >= f } ; END PAR FILE FOR 19.6=========================================== ;