; May 23, 1997: The Nameless One ; ; nameless ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal is a blow-up of a midget on the tail of another midget, ; which is one of eleven midgets in a circle around the origin. To see ; the circle of eleven midgets, do a few out-zooms. To turn the midgets ; so they face inward, change the sign of real(p2). ; ; My Test15 formula is rapidly earning a place in my permanent formula ; file. It's one of the most versatile I've written, holding new ; surprises with every parameter change. ; ; Test15 uses one of my favorite techniques -- mixing various proportions ; of different formulas, especially positive and negative mandeloids, a ; trick which fills the interiors of the positive figures with detail of ; the most unpredictable kind. To see the true Julia set of the circle of ; midgets, change imag(p3) to 0. ; ; While all that is going on, I'm going off to check the new HP hexachrome ; color printer. It makes the output of a standard CMYK printer look like ; mud. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PAR FILE FOR 19.6========================================= The_Nameless_One { ; time=0:00:21.48-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Test15 passes=1 center-mag=-0.91612191\ 674121870/0/124030 params=1/6/0.058/-5/2/1 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=0 logmap=22 periodicity=10 colors=0000070070070060050050140240330835B27E2AH7A\ LBAQFA_JKeNUkRcqVmwYuu_ztmtsaqrcgvdhreiqfkmhllimkj\ nikohmpgnqforepodomcokcohbofbodana`n_`nY_nV_nTZmRY\ mOYmMXmKXmJXkJXjIXiIXhIXgHXfHXeHXdGXcGXbFXaFX`FX_E\ XZEXYEXXqW2pT7pRBoPFoNKoLOnJSnGXmE`mCdmAil8ml6ql4u\ j6ti7tg8sf9sdBrcCraDq`EqZGpYHpWIoVJoTLnSMnQNmPOmRM\ mULmWJmYHl_FlaDlcClfBkiBkkAjnAjpAjqDdrF_sIUtKPtMKN\ F8`H4nI0jM1gP1cS1`V1XY2U`2Qc2Ng2Jj2Gm3Cp39s35v32y3\ 9w2Fv1Lu0Rt0Xo1ak1fg2kb2pZ3uV3vO6wH9xBBkDIZFOMHUAJ\ _EKaHLcKLdNMfRNgUNiXOk_PlcPnfQoiRqlRrmUsmWsmYsm_tm\ btmdtmfumhumkummvmovmqvmtwmvwmxwmzwrdXvK6oIEhGLaES\ VCZOAeH8lA6s34z89tDEoIIjNNeRR`STZSVYSXWSYVT_TTaSTb\ RTdPTfOUhMUiLUkJUmIUnHHfI4ZIXJwZKt`LrbMpcNneOlgPjh\ PhjQflRdmSboT`qUZrUXqXUq_RqbPqeMqgKkePfdT`cYWbaR`f\ L_jGZoBYsCXsyfBzzzyaAy_9yX9zV8zS8zQ7zN7zL7vN7sP7pR\ 7mT7jV7gX7dZ7``7Yb7Vd7Sf7 } frm:Test15 {; Jim Muth z=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=f*(pixel): z=((a*(z^b))+(c*(z^d)))^k+g, |z| <= 100 } ; END PAR FILE FOR 19.6=========================================== ;