; May 24, 1997: Zodiac ; ; zodiac ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal is a delicate little one that takes only a few seconds ; to draw. It pictures 12 Mandelbrot midgets, all facing inward. I was ; going to name it Apostles, but I decided on Zodiac, because the midgets ; are lined up in a circle. I could have named it Months or Hours, but ; those names just don't have enough class. ; ; The delicate fractal arcs connecting the 12 midgets are filled with ; smaller midgets of the most unusual kind. I'm not going to post any of ; these, but anyone who explores this image will not be disappointed. ; ; As you may have noticed, I'm spending a lot of time with my Test15 and ; Test16 formulas. Sometimes this happens. I get hung up on a particular ; formula and just can't seem to let go of it. But for the sake of ; variety, I'll move on to a new formula for tomorrow's fractal. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER FILE FOR 19.6=================================== Zodiac { ; time=0:00:02.81-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Test16 center-mag=0/0/0.9363296 params=1/6.5/0.075/-5.5/2/1 float=y maxiter=500 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000A0PA0PA0PHUrNirTxrTwrmvrmtrmsrzrrzqrzorz\ nrznjzncznWzmOzmzzmzzqzzqzzlzzkzzpzzkzzkzznzzvzztz\ zqzWou`vxvzWrzYoz_kzbgzddzf`zhYzaVzUSzN_zzgzzdzzbz\ z_zPXzUUzYSzbPzfMzkSznYzqbzthzwfzpdzjckdaiY_gSZeMZ\ hDZeLZeKZfKZfJZfIZfHZgHZgGZgFZgEZhEZhDOhrOhqOhpPho\ PhnPhmPhlQhkQhkQhjQhiRhhRhgRhfRheShdShcShbShaTh`Th\ _ThZThYUhYUhXUhWUhVVhUVhTVhSVhRWhQWhPWhOWhNXhMXhLX\ hKXhKYhJYhIYhHYhGZhFZhEZhDu40t50t61s71s81r92rA2qB2\ pC3pD3oE3oF4nG4mH4mI5lJ5lK5kL6kM6jO7iP7iQ7hR8hS8gT\ 8gU9fV9eW9eXAdYAdZAc_Bb`BbaBabCacC`dC`eD_fDZgD_zp_\ yn_xl_xk_wi_vg_ue_td_sb_s`_rZ_qYZpWZoUZoSZnQZmPZlN\ ZkLZjJZjIZiGZhErp5qp5po6po6oo6nn7mn7ln7lm8km8jm8il\ 9hl9hl9gl9fkAekAdkAdjBcjBbjBaiC`iC`iC_hDZhDOFUOGUP\ GTPHTPISPJSQJSQKRQLRQLQRMQRNQROPROPSPOSQOSQOSRNTSN\ TTMTTMUUMUVLUVLUWKVXKVYJVYJVZJW_IW_IW`HWaHXbHXbGXc\ GXdFYdFYeFYfEYgEZgDZhDb8n } frm:Test16 {; Jim Muth z=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), g=f*(pixel): z=((a*(-z^b))+(c*(-z^d)))^k+g, |z| <= 100 } ; END PARAMETER FILE FOR 19.6===================================== ;