; May 26, 1997: Land of Loti ; ; loti ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal picture is a gentle yet striking one created by doing ; things a little differently with Newton's method. I've named it Lotus ; because it reminds me of a patch of lotus blossoms. ; ; As a rule, I find the Newton's formulas quite productive, since there is ; no end to the different ways they can be calculated, and the results are ; always unpredictable. Certain terms in these formulas are unusually ; sensitive, and if they are changed even slightly, the entire appearance ; of the resulting fractal will be changed. Even when the parameters are ; so far off that a blank screen results, an interesting image can usually ; be found by trying various fill options. ; ; Adding variable parameters to simple formulas is one of my favorite ways ; of finding new images in my test formulas. Instead of writing say, ; (Z*(Z-1))^2, I might write X*((Z*(Z-Y))^W), which gives me the three ; variables, X, Y, and W to play with. ; ; One problem with having 10 variables, as I sometimes do though, is that ; when I find a good fractal, if I don't make an immediate record of the ; parameters, I lose the fractal and never find it again. When I find ; values that work particularly well, I make them a hard coded part of the ; formula and thereby eliminate many of the variables. ; ; I've seen remarks recently that Fractint can't recognize the color part ; of the parameter files. This is most likely because the the color code ; is being broken up into fragmentary lines by the online software. To ; avoid the problem, be sure that the parameter file is saved as ascii ; text, and that every line in the color section of the parameter file ; ends with a backslash < \ >. This indicates to Fractint that the next ; line is a direct continuation of the previous line. ; ; Tomorrow's fractal will be a cosmically grand one, also created by a ; variation of Newton's method. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER FILE FOR 19.6=================================== Land_of_Loti { ; time=0:00:33.18-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=NewtonTest27 passes=1 center-mag=1.4623/0/0.3582555/1/-90/0 params=-1/3/3/1/1/1e-005 float=y maxiter=90 inside=bof60 logmap=yes periodicity=0 colors=000hKmhKjhKghKdlR_pYVtdQxkMH1tIEvK0pK0oOArS\ IrWPr_XrccrgkzzzzrrreljcjX`gPZeIWbBU`4QWHMRTIMeFIq\ MOgSUZY_PcdG_aEW_CSYAPW8LT6HR4DP2AN0DhzGetIcsKakN_\ lPYmRWnYTpcQqjNrpKsvItz_Wmp8zo2sn7mnCdnHVmMKmRDmW6\ m`JbgVTmfIsr8yJNmQP3NUBKZJHcREgYBle8qm6utBslFreKqZ\ OoRTnKXmDVkCUiCThBSfBQdBPcAOaAN`ALb9Jd8If7Gh6Ej5Dl\ 4Bn3Ap2Ii4Pc6WY8cRAjLCqFErEDsECqFDoGEmHFkHGiIHgJIe\ KJdKKbLL`MMZNNXNOVOPTPQRQRQQS_ObhNlgOjgPhgQgabIfRe\ fScfTbeT`eUZeVYdWWdXVdYTcYRcZQc_Ob`MbaLbbJ52oA7jEC\ fIGbMLZRQUVUQZZM7aoFbfNbZVbQr0Aq3Bp5Bo8CnACmDDlFDk\ IEjKEiMFhPFgRGfUGeWHdZHc`I2t37r5Bp7Fn8JlANjCRhDVfF\ ZdHUYpVZnVZlWZkWZiX_gX_fX_dY_bY`aZ`_Z`Y_`X_aV_aT`a\ S`aQabOabNbbLbbJ6HaCLYHPVNSSSWOY_L5`_7aZ9aYBaXDaWE\ aVGaUIaTKaSMaRNbQPbPRbOTbNVbMWbLYbK_bJabIwryuqvtps\ sopqnnpmkolhmkeljcki`ihYhgVgfTeeQddNccKiewgdnfcfdc\ YcbQfX4eY5eY6eY7eZ7`QlhLq } frm:NewtonTest27 {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), c=real(p2), d=imag(p2), k=real(p3), f=imag(p3), z=(pixel): zx=(z^b)-a zy=(c*z)^d z=z-(k*zx/zy), |zx| >= f } ; END PARAMETER FILE FOR 19.6===================================== ;