; May 27, 1997: Killer Mosquito ; ; mosquito ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I'm following with interest the progress of the collaborative fractal ; montage that we're trying to get going. But I'm not sure exactly what ; we'll have if and when the thing actually comes to fruition. ; ; When I first read of the plan, I pictured an immense printed image of ; the Mandelbrot set -- an image with a resolution of something like ; 250,000 x 250,000 pixels -- large enough and with enough detail to cover ; a soccer field without losing sharpness. Such an item, if we could ; overcome the obstacles, would surely be newsworthy, and perhaps raise ; the public awareness of the basically unexplored world of fractal ; geometry. The higher the public interest in fractals, the easier it ; will be for us to earn some decent money. ; ; And speaking of decency, today's fractal, named Eruption, is a pretty ; decent one, and it's also a pretty good one. It's made with one of my ; experimental Newton's formulas. When I first saw it, it reminded me of ; an erupting volcano in Hawaii. It no longer seems very volcano-like, ; but the name has stuck. So, for what it's worth, here is my erupting ; volcano. The draw time is 10 minutes or so. ; ; Tomorrow, we'll go back to the good old Mandelbrot set, and look at an ; old midget from a new angle. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6============================= Killer_Mosquito { ; time=0:00:39.05-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=MandNewt05 function=log passes=1 center-mag=-1.45284/0/0.2180685/1/90/0 params=1.5/0/1/0/1e-031/0 float=y maxiter=250 inside=bof60 logmap=yes periodicity=0 colors=0008Gf7Gh6Gj5Gk4Gm3Gn4Fl5Ej5Eh6Dg6Ce7Cc7Ba8\ A_8AZ99XA9VA8TB7RB7QC6OC5MD5KD4IE3HE3FF2DO3FY4Hf6K\ p7My8OxBPwERuHStKUsNVrQXqUYoXZn_`mbalecjhdikfhngin\ ejodjobkp`lpZmqYnqWnrUorSpsRqsPrtNrtLsuKtuItuHsrJr\ pLrnNqlPqjRpgTpeVocXoaZn_`nYalXbkWbjWciVchVdgUdfUd\ eTedTecSfbSfaRf`Rg_QgZQhYPhXPhWOiVOiUNjTNjSMjRMkQL\ kPLlOKlPJmQJmRInSInTHoUGpVGpXFqYFqZEr_Ds`DsaCtbCtc\ BubCqaEl`Fh_Hc_I_ZKVYLRXNMWOIWPEXOGYNHZNI_MJ_LL`LM\ aKNbKOcJPdIQeIReHTfGUgGVhFWeKZbO`_TcYXfVahSekPjmMn\ pPaQSQ0NN8HJGCGN6CV19b19c28d28e27f27g36h36i79jBCkF\ FlIImMLnQOoUSpYVpaYqe`rhcslftpiutlvufvv`vwVvwPuxJu\ yDuy7uxGswPqwXpvenumlqjinhgjedfcac`Z_ZXWWUTTRPROLO\ MIMJEJGHNJKRMNVPQZSTbVWfYZi_bmbfqejug_W6_T9_QB_NE_\ KG`HJ`EL`BO`8Q`5T`2V`0Xb1Zc2`d2be3df3eg4gh4ii5kg6j\ d8ib9g_AfYBeVDdTEbQFaOG`LI_JJYGKXJMYLOZOQ_QS`TUaVW\ aYYb__cbaddcegefBGaAGc9Gd } frm:MandNewt05 {; Jim Muth z=c=fn1(pixel): a=z^2+(c-p1)*z-c b=p2*z^2+c-1 z=z-1*a/b p3 <= |a| } ; END PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6=============================== ;