; May 31, 1997: Out in the Boondocks ; ; boondocks ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I don't recall having yet posted a really deep fractal. The reason is ; that I do little exploration in the ultra-deep areas. I avoid these ; areas for two reasons -- first: the obvious reason that it's too slow, ; second: I find it gets a bit dull and monotonous down there. ; ; True, the thought is awesome when one realizes that the scene they are ; looking at is part of an object many times the size of the known ; universe, but in my experience, when the awe rubs off, a certain ; sameness starts creeping in. Today's fractal, sunburst, at a relatively ; conservative magnitude of 10^28, (ten-octillion), is a typical example. ; ; At first glance the image is striking, with its radiating arms of solar ; energy, but notice the circular nature of the surrounding pattern. This ; tendency for the features around midgets to become so intricate that ; they blend together into circular bands of colors is perhaps the ; greatest disappointment when one goes deep into a Mandelbrot fractal. ; ; Another problem, especially with the straight-rayed midgets along the ; negative x-axis of the Mandelbrot set, is with moire patterns. These ; annoying artifacts appear when the magnitude nears 10^50, and grow ; progressively worse the deeper one goes. At a magnitude of 10^500, the ; screen becomes one big moire pattern even before the x-axis midget ; becomes visible. ; ; As long as the escape-time bands are used to define coloring, these ; problems appear insolvable. Perhaps other coloring methods, such as ; those currently being discussed in connection with true color, could ; avoid such problems. I'm eagerly waiting to see where we go from here. ; Other types of fractals, such as Newton's, might not be plagued by these ; problems, but I've explored beyond 10^14 or so only in the ; Mandelbrot-Julia family of fractals. So I can say nothing about this. ; ; Since today's fractal runs under the Fractint Mandelbrot formula, only ; the parameter file is attached. As always, the finished image is posted ; to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. Tomorrow, I'll return to one of those ridiculous ; but fun test formulas I've got stored away, and see what kind of ; outlandish fractal I can come up with. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; BEGIN PARAMETER FILE============================================= Out_in_the_Boondoc { ; time=0:04:21.28-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=mandel passes=1 center-mag=-1.9999\ 9911758700310577690597109807/0/2.362935e+028 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=5000 inside=0 logmap=358 symmetry=xaxis colors=000K00K00K00C2zIErELfBNU7OG3Q25O38N3AL4CJ4E\ H5HG6JE6LC7NA7Q98S78U59V8AXCBYFCZJD_MEaQFbTGcXGd_H\ fcIgfJhjKimLkqMltNjrQhpTemVckYai`_gcXdeVbhTozf`xsM\ woMokLhgL`bLUZLMVKFRK7UO8WS9ZWA`ZAcbBefChjDbeNW`XQ\ WfJRpHUpFWpDZpAao8do6fo4io2ko1ii1gc1fZ0dT0bN8YQFUS\ NPVBpOCoNGqPKrQOtSTtQXuOauMeuKjuInvGsvEtnItfNuZRvR\ VvJ_wBcqEakHZeKXMCQGAEKDHKUPVTYdTgoSpmNmhKkbP`aOYX\ PUUORVMNWOKL4EVEHdNKmXNweQpeEje3XgBIhI4jQEfSObVYYX\ gUZjYXl`UodSqgQtkNvnLhpJVrHGsE2uC`d8a_BaVEbQHcMKdH\ NzCQz7TzBVuFXhJYXN_VRaTUbQWcNXdKZdI_eF`eCbf9cfKfpU\ izSftQcoN`iLYdJUZHRTEOOCLIEMPGNVHOaJPgs9LiGS`MZGc1\ 3g_G_b5dAD_LLWVyzahhcAcPGcVMc_`oQhcQzcdcc4zcHWcTzc\ MWcRzcWTc`zc9BcKzcVHmnomCzmJcmRYzYfzSzzXXz`zz`Hzbz\ zcWztzzpUzlzzh_zdzzJazPzzUVz_zzuzzlazXzzZXz`zzbizW\ zz`zzbEzczzdDzdzzUzzEzzBzz9zzFzzMzzSzzYzzxzzozzfzz\ XzzOzzFzz6zzCzzIzzNzzTzzY } ; END PARAMETER FILE=============================================== ;