; June 1, 1997: Theology Lesson ; ; theology ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal is another of those strange ones involving imaginary ; exponents but lacking the usual break along the negative x-axis. When I ; first saw it, I thought of the vestments worn by priests of the Eastern ; Orthodox religion -- thus the name "ceremony". ; ; It's a quick 1-minute one, which I have posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. ; for convenience. ; ; Now I must comment on yesterday's letter. After viewing Kees' fractal ; web page and re-reading my letter, I feel I was too harsh on the really ; deep fractals. Perhaps I was negative because I am hampered and ; frustrated in my deep exploration by an annoyingly slow old warhorse of ; a computer that is badly in need of a trip to pasture. Actually, I have ; explored very little except the negative tail of the Z^2+C set, so I'm ; really not able to make a fair judgment of what lies deeply buried ; elsewhere. When I get my new computer up and running later this year, ; I'll do some real exploration and be able to make an honest report ; ; For tomorrow's fractal, I think I'll stay with the Mytest series of ; formulas. They always give something unexpected and interesting. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START FORMULA-PARAMETER FILE FOR 19.6================ Theology_Lesson { ; time=0:00:07.91-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Mytest08 function=ident passes=1 center-mag=-0/0/17.7/1/90/0 params=1/0/0/2/0.5/12 float=y maxiter=250 inside=253 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000005F9AUDEUGEZDEiRJoUJrXJyZJzbJyfzzjJznzz\ rJztzzzzzzLzzzzzMzzzzzNzzzzzOzzzzzPzzzzzQzzzzzRzzz\ zzRzzzzzz7MY8MYAMYBMXDMXEMXGMXHMWJMWKMWMMWNMVOMVQM\ VRMVTMVUMUWMUXLUZLU_LTaLTbLTdLTeLTfLShLSiLSkLSlLRn\ LRoLRqLRrLQtLQuLQN1NS4OX7ObAPgDPlGQqJQ5XYgNbhNbhNa\ iNaiN`jN`jN_kN_kMZlMZlMZmMYmMYnMXnMXoMWoMWpMVpMVqM\ UqMUrMUrLTsLTsLStLStLRuLRuLQvLQo9wo9vo9voAupAtpAtp\ AspBrpBrpBqpBpqCpqCoqCnqCmqDmqDlqDkrDkrEjrEirEirEh\ rFgrFgsFfsFesFesGdsGcsGcsGbsHatHatH`tH_tI_tIZtIYtI\ XuJXuJWuJVuJVuKUuKTuKTvKSvLRvLRvLQLndMmdNmcOlcPkcQ\ jbRjbSiaThaUgaVg`Vf`We`Xd_Yd_ZcZ_bZ`aZaaYb`Yc_YdZX\ eZXfYWgXWhWWiWVjVVkUVlTUmTUmSTnRToQTpQSqPSrOSsNRtN\ RuMQvLQWVkYUj_UhaTgbSedRdfRbhQajP_lPZnOXoNWqMUsMTu\ LRc7dfAbjC_mFYpHVsJSxv8xu8xu9xt9xt9xs9xsAxrAxqAxqB\ xpBxpBxoBxnCxnCxmCwmDwlDwlDwkEwjEwjEwiEwiFwhFwgFwg\ GwfGwfGweGweHwdHCgzwcHvbI } frm:Mytest08 {; Jim Muth z=fn1(pixel), a=real(p3), b=imag(p3), c=a+(b*pixel): z=(((z^p1)*z)^p2)^(-p2)+c, |z|<=100 } ; END FORMULA-PARAMETER FILE FOR 19.6================================ ;