; June 3, 1997: Stained Glass Window ; ; stainedglass ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Here's another fractal from one of my Mytest formulas. I'm getting hung ; up on this series of formulas, which I wrote a while back and then ; forgot. But there's no cause to worry, the formulas make good fractals. ; ; Today's fractal is another quickie. When I first saw it, I thought of a ; transparent stained glass window illuminated from behind by the last ; rays of the setting sun. ; ; The appearance of depth and illumination from within is something I ; always strive for in my pictures. Unfortunately, the effect is quite ; difficult to reproduce on a CMYK color printer. The RGB of the screen ; just doesn't translate very well to CMYK. The new 6-color and 7-color ; printers do somewhat better, but there's just no way that reflected ; light viewing will ever equal direct RGB viewing. The cones of the eye ; are sensitive to red, green and blue, and you can't fight nature. This ; is why fractals displayed as huge expensive transparencies look so ; impressive. ; ; For tomorrow's fractal I haven't the slightest idea. I'll just have to ; wait and see what's on the screen when the time comes. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6============================== StainedGlassWindow { ; time=0:00:05.00-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=mytest08 function=cotan passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.8021348 params=2/0/0/1/0/2 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=10 colors=000F30D30N30K30Q30O30R30R30S30S30T30T30U30U\ 30V30V30W30W30X30X30Y30Y30Z30Z30_30_30`30`30a30a30\ b30b30c30c30d30d30e30e30f30f30f80g80gD0hD0hD0iD0iD\ 0jO0kR0kU0lW0lZ0m`0oc0qf0tf0ve0wd0uc0t`0s_0sY0rX0r\ S0sS0sS0tS0tS0tN0uN0uN0vN0vN0wN0wL0xL0xK0yI0yI0zD0\ zD0zI0zD0zI0zI0zI0zI0zN0zS0zS0zS0yS0yS0xT0xU0wS0wS\ 0vS0uS0uQ0uR0tQ0tO0sP0sP0rQ0rP0qP0qO0pN0pM0oL0oK0n\ J0nI0mH0mG0lF0lE0kD0kC0jB0jA0i90i80h70h60g50g40f30\ f30e30e30d30d30c30c30b30b30a30a30`30`30_30_30Z30Z3\ 0Y30Y30X30X30W30W30V30V30U30U30T30T30S30S30R30R30Q\ 30Q30P30P30O30O30N30N30M30M30L30L30K30K30J30J30I30\ I30H30H30G30G30F30F30E30E30D30D30C30C30B30B30A30A3\ 0930930830830730730630630530530K30L30L30M30M30N30N\ 30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30\ N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N3\ 0N30N30N30N30N30N30N30N30 } frm:Mytest08 {; Jim Muth z=fn1(pixel), a=real(p3), b=imag(p3), c=a+(b*pixel): z=(((z^p1)*z)^p2)^(-p2)+c, |z|<=100 } ; END PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6================================ ;