; June 6, 1997: Number Sieve ; ; sieve ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Last evening, I promised an IF-ELSE fractal for today, and I've found ; one worth sharing. My own first efforts at IF-ELSE formula writing have ; failed to find anything of interest, so I took a formula posted a few ; days ago by Ron Barnett, added a few variable parameters to it, and set ; it loose. ; ; It didn't let me down. This formula has no end of great fractals in ; it. Today's picture is just one of a dozen or so equally striking ones ; this formula has produced. The coloring is in my preferred style of ; looking toward the source of light. I hope you enjoy it. ; ; In a month or so, I'll start shopping for a new computer to replace my ; poor old overworked 486. Before I buy, I plan on doing a speed test, by ; running the same test fractal on different machines. ; ; I also hear various rumors I'd like to check. I've heard it claimed ; that the MMX technology sacrifices accuracy for speed, and that its ; fractal performance is therefore compromised. I've also heard that the ; Pentium Pro, (40686), is optimized for 32-bit apps. I'm curious to see ; if this affects its fractal performance. The new Pentium II processors ; appear interesting. I'm curious to see how they compare with the ; Pentium Pro. ; ; Well, while I'm dreaming of my new computer, I'd better send this off ; before my mail server goes down again. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6====================== Number_Seive { ; time=0:00:13.02-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=IfElse01 function=cotan passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.1054215/1/45/0 symmetry=origin params=0.7/0/1/0/0.26/0.26 float=y maxiter=724 inside=253 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000F0B600JELLFJOIUOHNRKWRISTMYTKVWN_WM_ZPaZ\ Pa`RcaSdcTedTfeUggVhhWjiWkkXllYmmZnoZop_pl_pg_pc_o\ Z_oV_oQ_oM_nH_nGZoFXpDWqCVrBTsASu9Qv8Pw6Ox5My4Lz5L\ z5Ky6Ky7Kx8Kx8Jw9KwAIwBKvBIvCKuDHuEGtEGtFGsGFsHFsH\ FrIErJEqKEqKDpLDpKFpJHqIJqHLqGNqFPrERrDTrBUrAWs9Ys\ 8_s7as6ct5et4gt9fpEflIehNddSc`XcYabUfaQj`Mo`It_EsZ\ JrYNpXSoWXnV`mUekTjjSniRshQwfRudStbTraTq_UpYVoWWmU\ WlTXkRYiPZhNZgL_eK`dIacGabEb`Cc_BdZ9dX7eWBeZFe`Jdc\ NdeRdhWdj_dmcdogcrkctocwlcuibrfbpbam_akX`h`VIaRGbN\ DcIBdE8eA6fC8fFAgHCgJEhLGiOIiQKjSMjUOkXRlZTl`VmbXm\ eZng`oibokdpnfpphqrjoqglqdjpahpZeoWcoU`nRZnOXmLUmI\ SlFQhIOdLL`OJYRHUTFQWCMZAIaCIbDHcFHdGGeIGfJFgLFhME\ iOEjQDkRDkTClUCmWBnXBoZAp_Aqa9rb9sd8tdBqdDmdGjdJge\ LceO`eRYeTUeWReYOgcUiiZkndltinynoxkowhpvfqucqt`rtY\ ssVsrStqQupNuoKvnHvnFuoXupnqijnbgjWcfQ_bJW_CTW5PUC\ QSJRQQSNXTLcUJjVzazMoTP0K } frm:IfElse01 {; adapted from R. Barnett's formula z=y=c=pixel, w=0: if(w), z=fn1(real(y))+flip(imag(y)), w=0 else, z=(y*p1), w=w+1, endif z=z^p2+(p3*c), y=z, |z| <= 100 } ; END PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6======================== ;