; June 7, 1997: Seahorse Valley Angle ; ; seahorse ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Sometimes familiar things appear like new when seen from a new ; perspective. Such is the case with today's fractal. We all know and ; love Seahorse Valley, located at -0.75 0n the Mandelbrot X-axis. It is ; one of the most prolific areas of the entire M-set. We are also ; familiar with the Julia set associated with this point -- a symmetrical ; series of buds sprouting from buds. ; ; But there are four other perpendicular planes through this area, and ; some of these are quite attractive. Today's fractal is a view of ; Seahorse Valley sliced along the YZ axis of the four-dimensional ; Julibrot figure. I realize that it looks nothing at all like Seahorse ; Valley, but that's because we're viewing it from an entirely new ; direction. ; ; Tomorrow, I'll show another slice of this most interesting area of the ; Julibrot figure. I have not yet found all slices, however. I'm still ; working on the formulas that display some of the oblique slices. A few ; directions have so far eluded me, but every failure brings me a bit ; closer to a complete mapping. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6====================== SeahorseValleyAngl { ; time=0:00:11.15-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Man-YZ-XZ passes=1 center-mag=-4.44089e-016/2.22045e-016/0.8503401 params=0/0.75/0/0 float=y maxiter=100000 bailout=100 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=10 sound=off colors=000gGEP0HR0KT0MV0OX0QZ1S`2Ub3Wd4Yf5_i6ak7cn\ 8eo9gsAisBkuCmwDowElvFhvIeuLduOcuRctUcuXcv_cwbdxee\ yhfwkfvnfuofsnfrmgplgokgnkgljgkigebaZXXTQRMKMGDGID\ FKEFLEENFDPFCRGCSGBUGAWH9YH9ZI8`I7_HBZGFYFJYFNXEQW\ DUVCYUBaUBdSJYRQSQXLOcFNj8Mq2LoBKmKJjTIhaOeXVbSeYI\ `_Np4ho6fn9dnBbmD`lGZkIXjKUiNSiPQhROgUMfWKXFgXGfYG\ eYHdYIdZIcZJbZJa_K`_L__LZ`MY`NY`NXaOWaPVaPUbQTbQSb\ RScSRcSQcTPdUOdUNdVMeVLeWLeXKfXJfYIpcyocvnbrnbomak\ lahk`ej`ai_Zi_VhZSgZOfYLbcAbcAbbBcbBcbCcaCcaDcaDd`\ Dd`Ed`Ed`Fe_Fe_Fe_GeZGeZHfZHfYIfYIaqPapPapOboObnOb\ mObmNblNbkNcjNcjMciMchMcgMdgLdfLdeLddLddKecKebKeaK\ eaJe`Je_JfZJfZIfYI3`85`97`99`AB_AE_BG_BI_CK_CM_DOZ\ EQZESZFUZFXZGZZG`YHbYHdYIVyLWxLWzLXzLXzKYzKYzKZzK_\ zK_zKzzKzzJzzJzzJzzJzzJzzJzzJzzIzzIzzIzzIzzYzzQzzN\ zzMzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz\ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz } frm:Man-YZ-XZ {; Jim Muth ; p2 = 0 = Julibrot YZ plane ; p2 = 1 = Julibrot XZ plane ; p2 = >0 <1 = Oblique planes z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p1)), c=imag(pixel)+flip(imag(p1)), a=p2, b=flip(cos(asin(p2))): z=sqr(z)+((a+b)*c), |z| <= 25 } ; END PARAMETER-FORMULA FILE FOR 19.6======================== ;