; June 11, 1997: Cosmic Laser Beams ; ; pseudosphere ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I've already unloaded my frustration, so let's get to today's fractal. ; I named it "Sinister" because it has a sinister aura about it. When I ; look at the twisted, tortured shapes and tendrils in this image, I fancy ; myself at the mouth of a dragon's cave on some far away forgotten world. ; ; The scene is part of the Z^3 mandeloid, sliced in a direction almost but ; not exactly in the YZ direction. The ever-present horizontal bands of ; high-iteration chaos stand out in front of the deep violet alien sky, as ; the very ground twists and swirls and tears itself apart in response to ; unimaginable forces. ; ; Hold it! ; ; I seem to be getting carried away here. The picture is a bit unusual, ; but it's not *that* unusual. I'm posting it because it illustrates the ; riches that lie in the virtually unexplored XZ, YZ, XW, and YW planes of ; the Mandeloid family. Tomorrow, I'll post six different versions of the ; prominent midget on the left stem of the north bud of the Mandelbrot ; set, each version sliced in a different direction. And then I'll ; forcibly tear myself away from the odd planes and return to fractals in ; the best plane of all -- the XY plane. ; ; For those who wish to view today's sinister image without tying up their ; computers, it has been posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. And by tomorrow, ; I'll hopefully be out of the low-level funk I've worked myself into. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6=============================== Cosmic_Laser_Beams { ; time=0:00:54.60-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=ManN-YZ passes=t center-mag=-1.15016/\ 0.100378/24/1.8078 params=0/0.5/3/0/1.01/0 float=y maxiter=7200 inside=253 logmap=4 periodicity=10 colors=000783884A95CA6EB7GC8ID9KFAMHBOJCQMDUREYWE_\ _DadDehCilCmpBmqDmqFmrIlrKlsMltOltQluTluVlvXlwZkw`\ kxckxekygkyihwgeuebsc_qaXo_VmZSkXPiVMgTJeRGcPDaNB_\ M9XK8UI7RH6PF5ME4JC3GB2E91B80865B8BF9GIBMLDROFXSGa\ VIaWJ`YK`ZL__N_aOZbPZdQYeRYfSXhTXiVWjWWlXVmYYlW`jU\ biSehQhfOkeMmcKpbIpbLpaNpaQoaTo`Vo`Yo__oYao_bO2wS7\ tWCq_HocMlgRikWfhibhibihbihbigbjgbjfcjfckeckeckdcl\ dclcclccmbcmbcmadnadn`dn`do_do_dszdrwdrsdqpdqldpid\ pedobdVJcZNccQdgUdkXdea7fa9faAgaCgaEh`Gh`Hi`Ji`Lj`\ Nj`Ok`Qk`Sl`Ul`Vm_Xm_Zn_`n_ao_cz5zzGzzQzzczzczz4zz\ 5zz7zz8zzAzzczzczzczzczzczzczzczzczzNzzPzzQzzSzzTz\ zVzzWzzYzzZzzVzzazzazzazzazz`zz`zz`zz`zz`zz`zz_zz_\ zz_zz0zzTzzUzzVzzWzzXzzYzzZzz2zz4zz5zz7zz9zzAzzCzz\ EzzFzzHzzJzzKzzMzzNzzPzzRzzSzzUzzWzzXzzZzzn2zk9ziF\ zfMzdSzaZzbzzbzzbzzbzzazzazzazzazzazzazz`zz`zz`zz`\ zz`zz`zz_zz_zz_zKHKz_zzlz } frm:ManN-YZ { z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p1)), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p1): z=z^p2+(p3*c), |z| <= 16 } ; END COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6================================= ;