; June 14, 1997: Festive Ribbons ; ; ribbons ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal is again a scene in the Z^-2 julibrot, this time part of ; the YW slice. It reminds me of bouquets of bows made from the ribbons ; that wrap gifts, so I named it ribbons. ; ; I can see that I've got much exploring to do in the odd slices of the ; negative mandeloids. There seems to be some really interesting stuff in ; there. ; ; Before I go, I must add my few words of praise to Alice Kelley for her ; Alice in Fractaland web page. That seashell fractal is one of the best ; I've ever seen. Curiously enough, a few months ago I wrote a test ; formula virtually identical to the one that drew the seashell picture. ; When I discarded it without giving it a fair tryout, I made a big ; mistake. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6=============================== Festive_Ribbons { ; time=0:00:58.55-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=ManN-XW-YW passes=t center-mag=-2.7813\ 36924045611/+0.7398353640882788/7569.178/0.005067 params=0/0/-2/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=255 logmap=yes periodicity=10 sound=off colors=000y01x02x02w03v04u05u05t06s07r08r08q09p0Ao\ 0Bo0Bn0Cm0Dl0El0Ek0Fj0Gi0Hi0Hh0Ig0Jf0Kf0Ke0Ld0Mc0N\ c0Nb0Oa0P`0Q`0Q_0RZ0SY0TY0TX0UW0VW0VV0WU0XT0YT0YS0\ ZR0_Q0`Q0`P0aO0bN0cN0cM0dL0eK0fK0fJ0gI0hH0iH0iG0jF\ 0kE0lE0lD0mC0nB0oB0oA0p90q80r80r70s60t50u50u40v30m\ 20u20s10v00w00u11u22p22u33r44v59u55t66r79r88r88r99\ qBEpBBoBBoCFnDDmEElEElHIkGGjHHiHJiIIhJJgKKfMLfLLeM\ MdNOcNNcOObPPaRQ`QQ`RR_STZTTYTTYUUXWWWWWVWWVXYUYYT\ ZZSZZS``R``QaaPabPbbOccNddMeeMeeLffKghJggJhhIiiHkk\ GjjGkkFlmEmmDmnDnnCppBppAppAqr9rr8ss7ss7tt6uu5vt4v\ t4ww3xw2yy1zw1zz0zx0zv0zx0zt0zw0zt0zu0zr0zr0zs0zr0\ zr0zq0zp0zo0zo0zn0zm0zl0zl0zk0zj0zk0zi0zh0zg0zh0zg\ 0ze0zd0zc0zc0zb0za0z`0z`0z_0zZ0zY0zY0zX0zW0zV0zV0z\ U0zT0zS0zS0zR0zQ0zP0zP0zO0zN0zM0zM0zL0zK0zJ0zJ0zI0\ zH0zG0zG0zF0zE0zD0zD0zC0zB0zA0zA0z90z80z70z70z60z5\ 0z40z40z30z20z10z10z00K0r } frm:ManN-XW-YW {; Jim Muth, Thanks to Benno ; p3 = 0 = Julibrot XW plane ; p3 = 1 = Julibrot YW plane ; p3 = >0 <1 = Oblique planes z=flip(real(pixel))+real(p1), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p1), a=p3, b=flip(cos(asin(p3))): z=z^p2+((a+b)*c), |z| <= 25 } ; END COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6========================================= ;