; June 18, 1997: Four-Cornered Eruption ; ; fourcornered ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I named today's fractal pinwheel because there are two versions of it. ; In the version I have attached, the rays are beaming straight out from ; the corners. But in another version the rays spiral out from the ; corners, giving the entire figure the appearance of a pyrotechnic ; pinwheel. ; ; The formula combines negative exponents, positive exponents and positive ; and negative imaginary exponents into a design that looks quite ; ceremonial, and holds together surprisingly well. ; ; I have been asked how I color my images. The best answer I can give is ; that I really don't know. I've studied landscape painting, and that ; seems to help. But a fractal is an entirely new thing that needs new ; rules. Most often, I simply noodle around until I find the color ; bandwidth that seems to work best, then, when I've found colors that ; work reasonably well, I fine tune the palette, sometimes hand adjusting ; all 256 colors. I've saved the color map files of most of my better ; fractals, but I've found that a palette that works great on one picture ; often doesn't work at all on the next picture. ; ; The four-dimensional animation ideas that are being discussed are quite ; interesting. I've been thinking so much about the 4-D Julibrot figure ; lately, that in a vague sort of way I can almost see the entire ; monstrous object with its many buds and tendrils. An animation would ; make the monster even more real. But I'm still working on finding ; formulas that will draw all those unimaginably skewed slices. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6=============================== Four-Cornered_Erup { ; time=0:00:07.47-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Mytest06 passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.4928 params=-4/0/1.75/0/0/1 float=y symmetry=xyaxis inside=bof61 logmap=yes maxiter=250 periodicity=10 colors=00000P00P00P00P00PBJ7ANAASD9WH9`KaeNfiQlrRo\ qWzzmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzszunwpezo`zpWzsRzwRzzRzsR\ zrRzpRzrSzvSzrTzqTzpUzoUznUzmVzlVzkWzjWziWzhXzgXzg\ YzhYzhYziZziZzj_zj_zk`zk`zk`zjZziYzhXzgWzfVzeUzdTz\ hSzgRzfQzePzdOzcNzbMzbLzaKz`Jz_IzZHzYGzXFzXEzWDzVD\ zVCzUCzTCzSBzSBzRAzQAzPAzP9zO9zN9zM8zM8zL7zK7JJ7IJ\ 6GI6EH6CG5BG59F47E45D44D32C34C45D57D69D7BE8CE8EE9G\ FAIFBJFCLGDNGEPHFQHGSHHUIIWIJXIJZJK`JLbJMcKNeKOWMg\ bJR_IUWGWTFZQE`MCcJBe8Gq9Gp9FpAFoAEnBEnBEmCDlCDlDC\ kDCjECjEBiFBhFAhGAg84nA5mC7kD8jF9hjE3VCOnSseNpXJmO\ EjWBAbXRWOoVNnTLmSKmQJlPIkNGjMFiKEiJChHBgbXFs0Go1J\ k2Mg3Pc4S_5UW6XS7_O8bK9e95ZC7aE9dRSyLJpGOqGHlv`XrY\ YmVZiT_eQ``NbXKcTIdOFeKCf7RM8QO8PP9ORAMSALUBKVCJXC\ IYDH_DG`EEbFDcFCeGBfT3TE0HE1KE2MF3PF4RF5UF6WF7ZG8`\ G9cGAe4AI6AM8AQAAUBAXDA`FAdo93l96i9Af9Dc9H`9KYAOVA\ RSAVPAYMAaJAd4Cr5Cq7Bo8Bn } frm:Mytest06 {; Jim Muth z=c=pixel: z=(((z^p1)*(p2*z))^p3)^(-p3)+c, |z|<=100 } ; END COMBINED FILE========================================== ;