; June 19, 1997: Blessings to All ; ; blessings ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Every once in a while there comes a fractal picture that fairly shouts ; its name. Today's image is one of those. Despite the abysmal initial ; coloring, the moment I saw the image, with its stylized figure standing ; on a mountain top, showering blessings, I knew it could be named nothing ; but "Blessings to All". It took only a carefully selected palette to ; bring the prophet to life. ; ; The formula is one of my failed attempts to rotate the julibrot from the ; XY to the XZ plane. But though the formula doesn't give me exactly what ; I was after, it does draw some very interesting images, which have ; earned it a place in my permanent formula file. ; ; Probably half the formulas in my collection were failures when I first ; tried them. But success can sometimes come from failure, and unless a ; formula draws nothing but a blank screen, I almost never give up on it ; until I have tried a wide variety of parameters. My current effort to ; draw all the oblique and skew planes in the julibrot figure is producing ; an unusually rich variety of formulas and images. ; ; For tomorrow's fractal, I'm going to wing it. Maybe I'll post another ; of my lucky accident fractals; maybe one of my older gems. But whatever ; it turns out to be, it will be interesting. Today's image has been ; solemnly posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. for the convenience of those who ; can't tie up their machines. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START COMBINED FILE FOR 19.6=============================== Blessings_to_All { ; time=0:00:06.10-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=ManTest1XY-XZ passes=1 center-mag=0/\ -0.869225/0.3778966 params=0/0.5/0.5/0/-2/0 float=y maxiter=1000 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=yaxis periodicity=10 colors=000000_JBFBDFFEGLGIQHKRJLSKNTMOUNQVPRXQTYSU\ ZTW_VX`WZaY`bZcc`fdbieclfeogfqhhtiiwjkzklzmlzmlzll\ zllzlmzkmzkmzjmzjmzimyimximwimvhmuhntgnsgnrgnpfnnf\ nlfnjenhenfdnddncdnccobcoaco`bo_boZboZaoYaoYaoX`oX\ `oW_oW_oV_oVZoUZoUZpTYpTYpSXpSYpRYpRXpQXpPXpOXpOXp\ OXpPXpPWpPWpPWpPWpPWpQWpQVpQVpQVpQVpRVpRVpRVpRUpRU\ pRUpSUpSUpSUpSUpSTpTTpTTpTTpTTpTTpTSpUSpUSpUSpUSpU\ SpVSpVRpVRpVRpVRpVRpWRpWQpWQpWQpWQpXQpXQpXQpXPpXPp\ XPpYPpYPpYPpYPpYOpZOpZOpZOpZOpZOpZNp_Np_Np_Np_NpZM\ pZMpYLpYLpYKoXKoXJoXJoWIoWIoWHoVHnVGnVGnUFnUFnUEnT\ EnTDmTDmSCmSCmSBmSAmR9mR7mR5mQ3mQ1mQ0mP0mP0mO0mO0m\ O0mN0mN0mN0mM0mM0mM0mL0mL0mL0mK0kL0mK0kJ0lI0kH0jG0\ iF0hE0gD0fC0eB0cA0a80`60_40Z20Y00X00W00VbG_bH_bH`b\ I`bI`_HaXHbUGcRFdOFeLEfIDgGCfGDfGDgGEgFFgFFhFGhFHh\ FHiFIiFJiEJjEKjELjELkEMkENkENlDOlDPlDPmDQmDRmBNrCP\ pDQnESlFUjGVgHXeIZcJ_aKa_ } frm:ManTest1XY-XZ { z=real(pixel)+(p1*(imag(pixel)))+flip(real(p2)), c=imag(pixel)+(p1*(real(pixel)))+flip(imag(p2)): z=z^p3+c, |z| <= 16 } ; END COMBINED FILE========================================== ;