; June 20, 1997: Flarium ; ; flarium ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I named today's fractal "Flarium". I can give no reason why I chose ; such an unlikely name -- it simply came to me while I was studying the ; picture, trying to decide what to name it. ; ; "Flarium" is a symmetrical, rather intricate design, another fractal ; created by combining positive and negative imaginary powers of Z. The ; formula has been sitting in my inactive file for a few months. I pulled ; it out on a whim and activated it to see what I could find in it. The ; resulting image made the work worth the effort. ; ; I've got to cut this short now because I've got a very interesting ; fractal half finished. It's a hugely magnified section of the negative ; X-axis of the Mandelbrot set, viewed from one of the odd directions. If ; it turns out the way I expect, it will be tomorrow's F.O.T.D. ; ; Today's image has been posted as usual to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START COMBINED FILE======================================== Flarium { ; time=0:00:07.91-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Mytest05 passes=1 center-mag=0/0/1.2315 params=-2/0/0/-3/0/1 float=y maxiter=362 logmap=yes inside=bof60 symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=10 colors=000J00lRJz`Sgts`nkUizNdXk2Ci4Dg7Ee9FcBGaDH_\ GIYIJVKKTNLRPMPRNNTOLWWJYbJFDJHEJJFILHINIIPJXITVIV\ THWRHYPGZQJaQLcROfSRhTUkTWmUZpVarVcuWfwWhyZbw`YvcT\ teOshJqjEpm9no4mAvCBuADt9Es7BlE9dL6YS4QZ1Je5PXAUNE\ _EId5Lb4Oa4Q_3TZ3WY3ZX3`V2cU2fT2hR1kQ1nP1qO1sM0vL0\ tN5rPAoREmTJkVOiXTfZXd`abbf`djX_jTWjQSjPTjOTiOUiNU\ hMVhLVgLWgKWgJXfIXfHYeHYeGZdFZdFZdCW`AUY8SV6QS4NO2\ LL0JI2KJ4KK5LM7MN9MOBNPDOREOSGPTIPUKQVLRXNRYPSZNUW\ FSLLWUJYSXgFWfGUfHTeISdJQcKPcLNbMMaNL`OJ`PI_Q56n68\ l7Bj8Dh9FfAIdBKbCM`DPZERXFTVGWTHYRbD`SPVGfWGeVGdUH\ cTHbSHaRH`QJIEIOIHUMyTFvUGsUHpVHmVIjWJgWKdXLaXLZYM\ WYNTZOQZON_PK_Ql5Zhn`VfVCx7DtAEpDFkHGgKHcN8_K9_K9_\ LA_LB_MB_MC_ND_NE_OE_OF_PG_PG_QH_QgQUdRUaST_TTXUSU\ VSRWRPXRMYQJZQeTLaUMYVNTXOPYPLZQWt6RmDMfKC1ZC4YD6Y\ D9XEBWEEWEGVFJUFLTFOTGQSGTRHVRHYQ82W94W97VA9VBCUBE\ UCHTDJTEMSEOSFRRGTRGWQHYQ } frm:Mytest05 {; Jim Muth z=c=pixel, a=real(p1), b=imag(p1): z=(((z^a)*(z+b))^p2)^p3+c, |z|<=100 } ; END COMBINED FILE========================================== ;