; June 25, 1997: Skimming the Thing ; ; skimming ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Sometimes it pays to step back and look at something from a new angle. ; That is what I did with one of the least interesting places of the ; entire Mandelbrot set. The place in question is the point where the ; stem of the north bud splits into two. I have followed this Y-shaped ; feature to a magnitude of 1e030, and can report that it looks the same ; regardless of how deep one goes. ; ; But there is something strange about the splitting point of the north ; stem. A number of years ago, I drew the Julia set of this 3-armed ; object and to my surprise, noticed that the Julia set has six arms. ; This led me to think: if the Julia set of this point has six arms and ; the Mandelbrot set has only three arms, what does the point look like in ; the other four directions. When I finally checked it a few days ago I ; was surprised indeed. The other slices have an infinity of arms! ; ; The point, which in the Mandelbrot set is a simple fork and in the Julia ; set a six-pointed star, has riches beyond belief in some of the other ; planes. Today's fractal, node, is a picture of the simple north bud ; fork sliced in the YW direction. ; ; I might add that there is no actual single point where all the branches ; of this amazing four-dimensional network of barbed wire filaments come ; together. Rather, the entire area of the Julibrot figure is filled with ; an infinitely intricate jumble of threads and crosses, stretched and ; pulled in every possible direction. What at first appeared so dull ; turns out to be full of interest. ; ; The finished image is posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. I have even more ; Mandelbrot surprises in store for tomorrow. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START PAR FILE FOR 19.6==================================== Skimming_the_Thing { ; time=0:00:17.03-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Man2-YW passes=1 center-mag=0/+0.95625\ 79778355625/1.199371e+008/0.0001115 params=0/-0.10\ 10954339455713 float=y maxiter=1200 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000ffYhgXigXkiWmjWolVpnUrpTtqTvsSprUjrWeqY_\ pZUp`OobSn_WnX`mUdlRhlPlkMqjJujGyiDyhDxhExgEwgFwfF\ vfGveGudHudHtcItcIsbJsbJraKraKq`Lq_Lp_MpZMoZNoYNnY\ OnXORSASRASQATPATP9UO9UN9VM9VL9WK9XK9XJ8YI8YH8ZG8Z\ F8_E8_E7`D7`C7aB7ZP9WaAToCRmEPjGMhIKeKIcMHaLG_JFYI\ EWHDUGCSEBQD9OC8MA7K96I85G74E53C4gk7XO`YP__RZ`SZaT\ YcVXdWW87G98HA9IBAJCBKDCLEBMFBNGBOHDPIBQICRIDSIEUH\ FVHGWHHXHIYHJ_HK`HLaGLbGMcGNeGOfGPgGQhFRiFSkFTlFUm\ FUnFToESoEToLUnQYnU`mZdmfliotluylrxinvfkubgt_drX`q\ UYpRUnNRmKNlHKjEGiBDh79f46e1Ca7HYDNUJSQPYNVbJ_hFem\ Bks7qx3ww6uv8svBruDptGnsIlrLjrOiqQgpTeoVcnYam__mbZ\ ldXkgVmaToWQpQOrKLnKMjKMfJNbJNZJOVJPRIPNIQJIQFIRBH\ R7HS9HTAHUCHVDHWFHXGHZIH_JH`LHaMHbOHcPGdRGeSGfUGgV\ GhXGiYGk_Gl`GmbGncGoeGpcImaKj_NgYPdWRbTT_RVXPYUN_R\ LaOQZTWWX`TafQekNj5Rg7Sf9TfBUeDUeFVdHWdJXcLYcNZbPZ\ aR_aT``Va`Xb_Zc_`cZbdZdeY } frm:Man2-YW { z=real(p1)+flip(real(pixel)), c=imag(p1)+flip(imag(pixel)): z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } ; END PAR FILE FOR 19.6====================================== ;