; July 1, 1997: Whirlygig ; ; whirlygig ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; What is the most reliable medium for long-term storage of digital data? ; In other words, where does one store those glorious fractals with the ; assurance that they will still be there in five or ten years? ; I'm no longer so certain. ; ; I have just tried to recover about 350 old images that I thought were ; safely stored away on a SyQuest 88mb cartridge. I had intended on ; recoloring them and bringing them up to my present standards, but when I ; tried to read the cartridge, I discovered that the fractals had ; vanished. I even tried the cartridge in three other drives. No luck. ; The cartridge had lost its format; the pictures were gone. ; ; I am not totally out of luck, however, because I still have two copies ; of the parameter files safely stored away on good old (sometimes) ; reliable 1.44mb floppy disks. Of course, this means a couple hundred ; hours of redraw time, but eventually I'll have the original fractals ; once again in my possession. ; ; The reason for the disappearance of the fractals will likely never be ; known for certain, but I have a pretty good idea what happened. The ; cartridge was stored on a shelf located about one foot, through a wall, ; from a television antenna ground wire. I believe that the antenna was ; struck by lightning recently, and I suspect that the magnetic field ; associated with the surge of the discharge through the ground wire was ; so strong that it damaged the cartridge. The fact that several blank ; but formatted cartridges on the same shelf also have lost their formats ; would lend credence to my suspicion. So don't store your digital data ; near lightning rods. ; ; (Five-thousand years ago, the Egyptians had an archiving technology that ; has lasted until this day, and may last five-thousand years more. They ; carved their data in stone. Today, we can't even preserve data for five ; years. This is some progress. Of course, we have much more data than ; the Egyptians ever dreamed of, but perhaps that is part of the problem.) ; :-) ; ; I remember seeing a thread in this group a few weeks ago about the most ; reliable long-term storage medium -- something about a medium immune to ; magnetic disruption. I've still got those letters filed away, so when I ; finish here, I'll see what I can turn up. ; ; Now it's time for today's fractal -- a different type of image. This ; one is notable in that it consists entirely of trapped points. If the ; inside fill were set to 0, the result would be a blank screen. The ; fractal itself is the inside of a Julia set that just misses an area of ; chaos, but comes close enough for the nearby chaos to do strange things ; to the blank interior -- things which the proper fill option can reveal. ; ; Those with a bit of idle time might try different fill options -- they ; all give interesting results. Changing the maxiter and/or the ; periodicity also changes the image. Of course, the finished product has ; been posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. ; ; Tomorrow, perhaps I'll get back to those way-out oblique planes. We'll ; see when the time comes. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 PAR FILE========================================= Whirlygig { ; time=0:00:48.99-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=JulibrotInvZ passes=1 center-mag=0.170\ 172/0.452708/2.69095 params=1.1/0/0/1/0/0 float=y maxiter=125 bailout=100 inside=bof61 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000Fb2M_5TX8_VAfSDmQFtNIzLKyMQxNWwOavOfsRcp\ T`mVYjXVhZTe`QbbN_dKXfHVhFSjCPl9Mn6Kp4Im6Hj7Fg9EdA\ DaCBZDAWF9UG7RL5OQ4MV2J_1Hd7OZCVTH`NNgHSnBXt6ZuA`u\ EbvIdvMfwQgwTiwXkx`mxdoyhqylryomwrhvtctvZsxVrzUnwT\ jtSgrRcoR`mQXjPTgOQeNMbNJ`MFYLBVK8TJ4QJ1OK4QK6SK8T\ KAVLDXLFYLH_LJ`MMbMOdMQeMSgNViNXjNZlN`mRWiUSeXNa`J\ YcEUfAQi6Mb8OWAQQBSJDTDEV6GX0HY4JV7KSBMPENMHPJLQHO\ SERTBVV8YW5`X37CHOGOdJVuMarO`oQ_lSZiUYfWXdYWa_VZaU\ WcTTeSRgROiQLkPImOFoNDqMGpLIoKKnKMmJOlJQkITkIVjHXi\ HZhG`gGbfFdfFadHZbJX`LU_MSYOPWQNVRKTTIRVFQWDOYAM_8\ L`BIWDGSFDNHBJK8FM6AO36Q12OBCNKMLTWKaeJjoHkmGkkFki\ ElgDleClcBmaAm_9mY8mWEmQKmKQmFOnHMoIKpKIqLGqNErOCs\ QAtR8tT6uU4vW2wX1wY0tW0rV0pU0nS0kR0iQ0gP0eN0cM0`L0\ ZJ0XI0VH0TG3VF5XF7YF9_FCaFEbFGdFIeFLgFNiFPjFRlFTmF\ SoCRpARq7Qr5Qs3Or5Nr6Mr7Lr8JqAIqBHqCGqDFqENZTVHge`\ kotnptoquqrussvttvvuwxvwy } frm:JulibrotInvZ {; Jim Muth z=pixel, c=p2+(pixel*p3): z=(-z)^p1+c, |z| <= 100 } ; END 19.6 PAR FILE=========================================== ;