; July 2, 1997: Sparklers ; ; sparklers ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I'm a bit late this evening because I've had my machine tied up ; reconstructing the first few of those several hundred lost fractals. ; And I'm still a bit irritated that they were lost in the first place. ; But the good side is that when I restore and recolor them, I'll make ; them better than ever. ; ; Today's fractal is another one in honor of the big July 4th holiday here ; in the USA. Like yesterday's it reminds me of fireworks, so I named it ; "Firewrk2". The fractal is actually the star at the head of a cycle-7 ; radical sliced in the XW direction. As is apparent, these stars become ; quite complex when observed from an unfamiliar direction. ; ; The finished image is posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. for convenience. ; Tomorrow and the day after I'll stay with the fireworks theme -- and ; then -- who knows. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 PAR FILE========================================= Sparklers { ; time=0:00:53.33-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=Man2-XW passes=1 center-mag=+0.0015034\ 5032891841/-0.6701658286462839/1389798/0.001176/\ 179.871/-89.781 params=0/0.4580609752969249 float=y maxiter=2500 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000YBg_CeaDcbDadE_fFYhGWiGUkHSjITiKUgLWfMXe\ OYdPZcR_aSa`Tb_VcZWdXXfWZgV_hUaiTbjRclQemPfnPfnPeo\ PeoQepQepQdqQdqQdrQcrQcsRcsRctRbtRbuRbuRavRavSawSa\ wS`xS`xXdv`gtekriopnsnrvlwzjqvkkrlfml`imVenPaoJYpE\ Tp8Pq2Lr8ScEZQKeBPO9U78VAAVEBWHDWLEXOGXSHYVJYZKZaM\ ZeN_hPYgNXeLVdJUcISbGR`EP_COaPNdbMfoLfnKelJekJejIe\ iHdgGdfFdeEddDcbCcaCc`Bc_AbY9bX8bW7bV6aT5aS5aR4aQ3\ `O2`N9bQGcTMeVTfY_h`ficlkeslhpgglbgiYfeTfbNeZIeWDd\ S8dP3cO4cN5dM6dL7eK8eJ9fIAfHBgGCgFDhEEhDFiCGiBHjAI\ j9Jk8Kk7Ll6Ml50Y60Y71Z72Z83Z84Z93Z80ZA7ZB8ZB9ZCAZD\ BZDCYEDXFDWFDVGDUGDTHDRGDQFDPGCOGDNKFMr9IsJHtTGucF\ vmEwwDvtHuqLsnPrkTqhXpe`nacmZglWkkToiQshNwaTpVZiOd\ bGiV9oO2uHB4IcL8bLAbLDaLF`LH`LJ_LMZKOZKQYKSXKVXKXW\ KZWK`XL_YMZYNYZOXZOW_PV_QU`RTaSSaTRbUQbVPcVPcWOdXN\ dYMeZLf_Kf`JgaIgaHhbGhcFidEheGgfHfgJehLdiMcjObkQ`l\ R_mTZnUYoWXpYWqZVr`UAkWBi } frm:Man2-XW { z=flip(real(pixel))+real(p1), c=imag(pixel)+flip(imag(p1)): z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } ; END 19.6 PAR FILE=========================================== ;