; July 5, 1997: Lightning Strikes ; ; lightning ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal is a delicate little scene in the YZ plane. Its wispy ; threads look almost like the veil nebula in Cygnus, but the smear across ; the center looks like someone had dragged a blackboard eraser through ; the image. ; ; This smearing effect, which is virtually non-existent in the Mandelbrot ; and Julia planes is especially pronounced in the YZ plane, where it ; makes most fractals look like they were painted on a sheet of stretched ; rubber. ; ; Hmmmm . . . rubber fractals . . . I've never thought of that. Maybe if ; I *stretch* my imagination, I'll find a *snappy* one. Then again, maybe ; my idea will *bounce*. I'd better end this before everyone gets *tyred* ; of the rotten puns. ; ; For tomorrow, I'll return to the good old Mandelbrot plane and the ; goodies therein. Today's finished image is posted to a.b.p.f. and ; a.f.p. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Lightning_Strike { ; time=0:03:24.76-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Man2-YZ passes=t center-mag=-0.022043\ 45883599504/+0.64471304044192460/8438.819/1.1682 params=0.99/-0.2 float=y maxiter=2250 inside=255 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000ZSUZRVZPWZOYZMZZL_ZK`YIaYHbYFdYEeYCfYBgY\ AhWBgVCgUDgSDfREfQFfPGfNGfMHfLIeKJeIJeHKeGLeFMdDMd\ CNdBNdCMeCMeDMfDMfDMgEMgEMgEMhEMhFMiFMiFMiGMjGMjGM\ kHMkHMkHMlHMlIMmIMmIMmJMnJMnJMoKMoKMoKMpKMpLMqLMqL\ MqMMrMMrMMsNMsNMsNMtNMtOMuOMuOMuPMvPMvPMwQMwQMwQMx\ QMxRMyRMyRMyQLvPKtPJrOIpOHnNGlNFjMEhMDeLCcLBaKA_K9\ YJ8WJ7UI6SLDUNKWQRXTYZVc`Yjb_qcbxebvebufbsfaqfaoga\ ngalgajgahhagh`eh`ci`ai``i`Zj`Xj_Vj_Uj_Sk_QkUtBUtB\ UtCUtCUsDUsDUsDUsEUsEUsFUrFUrFUrGUrGUrHZrHZqHZqIaq\ IdqIhqJjqJkpUlpcmphmpfmpcmp_mpWmoUmoQhoNhoOhoOhoOc\ nPcnPcnQcnQcnQcnRcmRcmScmScmScmTcmTUlTUlUUlUUlVUlV\ UlVUkWUkWUkXUkXU_YUPZUD_K1oK1oK1nJ2nJ2mJ2mJ2lI2lI3\ kI3kI3jI3jH3iH4iH4hH4hG4gG4gG5fG5fG5fF5eF5eF6dF6dE\ 6ZE6ZE6YE7YD7XD8XD9WDAWDCVCDQCJPCOPCOOBOOBONBJLEJN\ GFPJFOMGROGTRIVUJXWLZZM`aObcPdfRgiSikUknVmnUlnTknS\ inRhnRgmQfmPemOcmNbmMa0DO } frm:Man2-YZ { z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p1)), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p1): z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 36 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;