; July 6, 1997: Obscured Blue Bud ; ; bluebud ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal is a scene in one of the "perturbed" Mandelbrot planes. ; This scene is parallel to the classic Mandelbrot set but off to one side ; of it. It shows a bud, (or radical as Mandelbrot calls them), nearly ; buried but still clearly visible through a foreground haze of low ; iteration clutter. ; ; I was truly amazed when I discovered that these elusive ghost buds exist ; in the background of many routine perturbed scenes, ready to be revealed ; by a high maxiter and proper coloring -- almost as though the ; low-iteration and high-iteration ranges were doing entirely different ; things. ; ; These perturbed remnants of the classic M-set are always found at the ; same coordinates at which they are found in the classic set. If the ; perturbed scene is not obscured by low iteration clutter, a ghostly ; remnant of the true set will always be present in the high-iteration ; range, and this remnant remains fixed in place regardless of the ; starting point of the perturbed set in which it appears. ; ; The fact that these high-iteration remnants remain fixed in position ; through a wide range of starting points is the reason that the ; horizontal high-iteration bands appear in the XZ, XW, YZ and YW planes. ; Those horizontal bands are parts of the classic set viewed at a right ; angle. Their straightness indicates that they do not move when the ; starting point is changed. ; ; The picture itself is an attempt to capture a feeling of illumination ; from within, as though a source of light were just off the screen. It ; is only moderately effective due to the limitation of the banding and ; the 256 colors. When true color arrives, this effect will be much ; easier to achieve. ; ; Today's image is posted on alt.binaries.pictures.fractals and ; alt.fractals.pictures. Tomorrow is Monday. That means back to work and ; a new and better fractal. Keep posted. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Obscured_Blue_Bud { ; time=0:01:59.35-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Mandelbrot passes=1 center-mag=+0.2150\ 729627720058/+0.5346985111755886/350.3348 params=0.456/0.654/100/0 float=y maxiter=15000 inside=253 periodicity=10 ranges=0/-1/330/420/560\ /750/950/1350/1850/2550/5000/15000 sound=off colors=000A00UA00QS0bc0hf0ke0vdhumwwwzzzzzz0000000\ 00000KKKOOOSSSWWW___ccchhhmmmssszzz00zG0zW0zj0zz0z\ z0jz0Wz0Gz00zG0zW0zj0zz0jz0Wz0Gz00z00zG0zW0zj0zz0j\ z0Wz0GzVVzbVzjVzrVzzVzzVrzVjzVbzVVzbVzjVzrVzzVrzVj\ zVbzVVzVVzbVzjVzrVzzVrzVjzVbzhhzmhzqhzvhzzhzzhvzhq\ zhmzhhzmhzqhzvhzzhvzhqzhmzhhzhhzmhzqhzvhzzhuzhqzhl\ z00S70SE0SL0SS0SS0LS0ES07S00S70SE0SL0SS0LS0ES07S00\ S00S70SE0SL0SS0LS0ES07SEESIESLESPESSESSEPSELSEISEE\ SIESLESPESSEPSELSEISEESEESIESLESPESSEOSELSEHSKKSMK\ SOKSQKSSKSSKQSKOSKMSKKSMKSOKSQKSSKQSKOSKMSKKSKKSMK\ SOKSQKSSKQSKOSKMS00G40G80GC0GG0GG0CG08G04G00G40G80\ GC0GG0CG08G04G00G00G40G80GC0GG0CG08G04G88GA8GC8GE8\ GG8GG8EG8CG8AG88GA8GC8GE8GG8EG8CG8AG88G88GA8GC8GE8\ GG8EG8CG8AGBBGCBGEBGFBGGBGGBFGBDGBCGBBGCBGEBGFBGGB\ FGBDGBCGBBGBBGCBGEBGFBGGBFGBDGBCGUdfU0MU6QTCUTIYTO\ `SUdS_h00e0e00eeKKme0eeL0 } frm:Mandelbrot {; Jim Muth z=p1, c=pixel: z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <=p2 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;