; July 7, 1997: Point of Attraction ; ; attraction ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; We're entering the summer doldrums, (at least here in the northern ; hemisphere), and things are slowing down all around. In honor of the ; occasion I've posted a hot fractal. I named it "Dawning" because it ; vaguely reminds me of a sunrise. But it looks like no sunrise I've ever ; seen on Earth. Perhaps it's a sunrise on Mars. ; ; Actually, it's a scene in a four-dimensional Mandelbrot set. This is ; not the four-dimensional julibrot figure I talk about so much, but an ; actual 4-D Mandelbrot figure, where if the Julia sets are considered, we ; have an eight-dimensional figure. ; ; No, I am not able to picture this object in my mind; I'm not even going ; to try. The 4-D julibrot monster is hard enough. But at least by ; taking that figure one 3-D slice at a time I'm making progress. ; ; The formula is a slightly modified version of the Hypermandel formula in ; Fractint. Being as obsessed as I am with the julibrot figure, I haven't ; done much exploring of the HyperSquare formula, but I do know that it's ; full of surprises. Maybe one of these days I'll really dive down deep ; into it and find something entirely unexpected. ; ; Today's image has been honorably posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. ; Tomorrow's fractal will be a surprise I found in the XZ plane. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Point_of_Atraction { ; time=0:00:56.24-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=HyperSquare passes=t center-mag=+0.011\ 68689983424549/+0.1087448950599747/71.4165 params=0/0.9993/10/0/1e-010/0 float=y maxiter=1600 bailout=100 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=0 colors=000O`LQ_KSZJVYIXXHZWG`VFcUEeTDgSCiRBlQAnP9p\ O8rN7wM5uM5rM5pM5nM6kN6iN6gN6dN6bN6`N7ZN7WN7UN7SN7\ PO7NO8LO8IO8GO8007008008008318628938C48E59G69I79K8\ 9L99MA9NB9OC9PCAQDARDASDATDAUDAUEAUEBUEBUEBUEBVEBW\ EBWEBXEBXEBYEBZECZEC_EC`EC`ECaDCbDCbDDcDDcCDdCDeCD\ eCDfBDgBEgBEhAEiAEiAEjAEk9Ek9El9Fm8Fm8Fn8Fo8Fo7Fp7\ Fp7Gq7Gr6Gr6Gs6Gt5Gt5Gu5Hv5Hv4Hw4Hx4Hy2Fy3Hx4Jx5Kx\ 6Mx7Ow8Qw9SwAUvCVvDXvEZuF`uGbuHduIetJgtKitLktMlsNm\ rNmqOmqOnpPnoPnnQnnQnmRnlRokSokSojToiTohUogUpgVpfV\ peWpdWpdXpcXqbYqaYq`Zq`Zq__qZ_rY`rY`rXarWarVbrVbsU\ csTcsScsRdsRdtQetPetOftOftNgtMguLhuLhuKiuJiuIjuHjv\ HkvGkvFlvElvEmvDmwCnwBnwAowAow9pw8px7qx7qx6rx5rx4s\ x4sy3ty2ty2ty3sv4st4sr5ro5rm6rk6ri7rg7re8qb8q`9qZ9\ qXAqVApSBpQBpOCpMCpKDpIDoFEoDEoBEp9Uq5Ur6Us8Ut9cuA\ cvBcwDcxEhyFhzGhzImzJmzKmzLrzNrzOvzNvzcvzcvzczzczz\ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz } frm:HyperSquare {; Jim Muth a=(p1),b=(0,0): q=sqr(a)-sqr(b)+pixel b=p2*a*b+p3 a=q, |a|+|b| <= 100 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;