; July 10, 1997: Odd-Plane Event ; ; oddplane ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal, named Filigree, is a rather attractive scene featuring ; a midget in the YZ plane of the Z^2.015 mandeloid. The midget itself ; isn't much to look at, hardly more than a misshapen hole with ragged ; bands stretched across it, but the decoration around it is spectacular. ; ; When I first saw it, I was reminded of that delicate, lacy ironwork I so ; admired when I visited New Orleans a few years ago. Thus the name. ; Actually it's a scene between the split negative tail of the parent ; figure, which is quite attractive in this same area in both the ; Mandelbrot and Julia planes. ; ; I have such interest in fractals because I realize that exploring ; fractals is as close as I will ever come to exploring an unknown world. ; Like most of us in the middle-age group, I was born too late to explore ; the unknown regions of this world and too early to explore the great ; unknown beyond. But I'm just in time to explore the world of fractals, ; which is as real to me as the scenes the little rover is sending back ; from Mars. ; ; So go, little rover, go, and keep sending back those pictures which are ; inspiring the children who one day will launch out into space on the ; greatest expedition mankind will ever know. As for me, I'm going to ; keep my eyes on my monitor and continue to find those elusive fractals. ; Today's image has been posted to alt.binaries.pictures.fractals and ; alt.fractals.pictures, where those who can't tear themselves from the ; Mars rover can pick it up in a hurry. ; ; For tomorrow, maybe I'll post a Newton's fractal. I don't know. I'll ; decide when the time comes. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Odd_Plane_Event { ; time=0:00:22.52-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=ManN-YZ passes=1 center-mag=0/+0.07266\ 271220361059/24581.01/0.008717 params=0/-1.48/\ 2.015/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=2048 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=10 colors=00078R67R67R56R56R45R45R34R24R25S25S25S25S2\ 5S25R25R25R25R25R25R25R25R25Q25Q24Q24Q24Q24Q24Q24Q\ 24P24P24P24P24P24P24P24P24O24O24O24O24O24O24O24O24\ N24N24N24N24N24N23N23N23M23M23M23M23M23M23M23M23L2\ 3L23L23L23L34M35N46O47O47P58Q59R6AR6BS6CT7CU7DV7EV\ 8FW8GX8HY9HY9IZAJ_AK`ALaBMaBMbBNcCOdCPdCQeDRfDRgDS\ hEThEUiFVjFWkEWkEXlDWmCVmBTmARn9Px8Px8Qx8Qw8Qw8Qw9\ Rw9Rw9Rw9Rv9Sv9Sv9Sv9Sv9Tv9TuATuATuAUuAUuAUuAUtAVt\ AVtAVtAVtBWsBWsBWsBWsBXsBXsBXrBXrBYrBYrBYrCYrCZqCZ\ qCZqCZqC_qC_pC_pC_pC`pD`pD`pD`oDaoDaoDaoDaoDboDbnD\ bnEbnEcnEcnEcnEcmEdmEdmEdmEdmEelFelFelFelFflFflFfk\ FfkFgkFgkFgkFgkGhjGhjGhjGhjGijGiiGiiGiiGjiGjiHjiHj\ hHkhHkhHkhHkhHlhHlgHmgHngIogIpgIqgIrfIsfItfIufJvgJ\ wgJxgMygPzfUzfZzfczfhzfmzfrzfwzfwzewzezzezzezzezze\ zzezzezzdzzdzzdzzdzzdzzdzzdzzczzczzczzczzczzczzczz\ czzbzzbzzbzzbzzRzzRzzRzzR } frm:ManN-YZ { z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p1)), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p1): z=z^p2+(p3*c), |z| <= 16 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;