; July 14, 1997: Gritty Endurance ; ; gritty ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I often ponder such deep questions as, "what is the best Mandelbrot set ; I've ever produced." A definitive answer might not exist, but today's ; surprising little midget is high on the list. I've posted it as a ; reward for those few who took the trouble to draw the six views of the ; same lost, misshapen midget that I posted yesterday. ; ; I've always had problems with Newton's method formulas. I just can't ; seem to get them right. Today's fractal is a good example. I was after ; a Newton's image; I got a Mandelbrot set instead. But the Mandelbrot ; set is so unusual that I still have the formula in my permanent file. ; ; The gravelly texture that fills the image is due to the extremely small ; cutoff value of |a|. Although the color palette in the attached par ; file does not show it very clearly, the gravelly texture, which appears ; to be infinitely divisible, gives a fair appearance of a PHC image, ; especially when drawn at a high resolution. Experiment with the colors ; a bit; you'll be surprised at the effects that are possible. ; ; Unlike yesterday's six unfortunate images, today's image has been ; successfully posted to Usenet, where it hangs on a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. I ; have decided not to post yesterday's images to the binaries groups. A ; second look convinced me that they are not worth the bandwidth. ; ; For tomorrow's fractal, I'll return to those weird julibrot planes I'm ; fascinated with. Until then, stay cool or keep warm, depending on which ; hemisphere you're living in. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Gritty_Endurance { ; time=0:00:18.00-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=MandNewt06 passes=1 center-mag=-3.281\ 72/0/3.164669 params=8/0/5/0/1.5/0 float=y maxiter=200 inside=bof61 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=50 colors=000Ur6_Y3dE0eK2fQ4fW6ga85Fd5Cg49j45m32p53j7\ 4d95_B6UD7ODERELTESWEYZEdaFkcFrfPfkZUphItr5yCARG9W\ L8`P7eT5kX4pa3ue2zU2tI3m63g73b84Y94TB5PC5KD5FE6AF6\ 5FC8GICGOFHVJH`MHfPIlTIrWFm_Chc9bg6Yk3TonQcoCEmEHk\ FKhHNfIQdKTbLVaJQaIM`GH`FD_D8_C4WOQT_kRWkOSkMOkKKj\ IGjFCjD8jEEhFLfGRdIYbJc_KiYLpWMvUQuWVsZZr`bpcfoekm\ goljsjlplnmmpjorgqtdrvatxclwedvgXuiQukItmAso2rjBbd\ JO_S8eWIk`Spdavhk0zb9xaIv_StZ`qYioWrmVgjVXgVNeUCbU\ 1_U9WUHSUPOUWLUcHUkDUs9UqGUoMUmTTk_TieTglTerScyS9R\ 57NM5Ib3EsHPsV_tgjtuutluibtYUtN_oQfkSlfVsbXyY_sbcm\ gfgkjapmWuqRkkN`eIRZEGT96NC6OF6PH7RK7SN7TJDQEINAOJ\ 5TG1ZD6VLBRTHN`MJgRFoWBwXDqXGkYIeYL_ZNUdQXiU`oXct`\ gzcjt_gmXegTbaQ`VMYPIVIFTCBQFJSHQVKYXMdZPlaRscXgkb\ XrhLzeRXbX4a`E`eOZiYYmg_kaajXchRefLgeGicAjfEkhIkkM\ lnQmpUnsYnuaoxe`jULWI6I66MA6QD5UH5YK5`O5dR4hV4lYDd\ XNXWWQVeIUnATjJOfSKa`FYiA } frm:MandNewt06 {; Jim Muth z=c=(pixel*p1): a=z^3+(c-p2)*z-c b=p3*z^2+c-1 z=z-1*a/b .000000000000000000000000000001 <= |a| } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;