; July 16, 1997: On a Crooked Spike ; ; spike ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's fractal was supposed to be more art and less theory. Well, I ; had good intentions, but I got too involved with that test formula that ; I posted yesterday. While noodling around with it this evening, I ; realized that real p3, which moves the displayed slice along the X-axis, ; actually determines the axis of rotation. To see how this works, simply ; set real p3 to -0.75 (Seahorse Valley) and watch the entire figure ; rotate on the -0.75 axis-line. Real p2 moves the displayed slice along ; the Z-axis, and imag p2 moves it along the W-axis. Imag p3 moves the ; image along the Y-axis, but this does nothing more than shift the ; position of the images on the screen ; ; This arrangement is still not perfect, since the parallel oblique slices ; do not move perpendicularly to the plane being displayed, which causes ; the image to shift position on the screen. This can be corrected by ; applying a corresponding rotation, but at this time I'm mentally ; congested, and since all slices can be displayed as the formula now ; stands, I think I'll let the formula rest. ; ; I have re-attached yesterday's formula below, because as Jay Hill ; pointed out, my degree conversion factor was a bit off the mark. The ; inaccuracy was very slight, but it did make a difference at the highest ; magnifications. When I wrote the formula, I recalled only six digits. ; Being lazy, I filled in the rest with 3's instead of looking up the ; correct value. ; ; Today's formula is a generalization of yesterday's formula to any real ; power of Z. I made the bailout a variable because changing the bailout ; has a very significant effect on the appearance of the negative power ; mandeloids. Today's fractal is a tiny midget on one of the infinity of ; negative tails of the Z^2.002 mandeloid, sliced at an angle of 75 ; degrees from the XY direction. I named it "Swirls" because of the ; obvious swirling effect of the bits and pieces of negative tails around ; the midget. One word of warning -- don't use today's formula ; (XY-YZ-test03) to draw slices of the Z^2 set. It's less that half as ; fast as yesterday's XY-YZ-test02 formula on the Z^2 set. ; ; The finished image has been posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. For tomorrow, ; most likely I'll post another odd angle image. I picked up enough ; oblique ideas from Benno's Julibrot web page to keep me busy for a year. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= On_a_Crooked_Spike { ; time=0:00:26.47-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm float=y formulaname=XY-YZ-test03 passes=1 center-mag=-0.11\ 45278127801932/+0.00909585091588167/2395.932/0.116\ /3.229/63.701716 params=75/2.002/0/0/-1.7545/36 maxiter=3600 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=10 colors=000Oh`Ok`NiZMgYLeWKcVJaTI_RHYQGWOFUMESLDPJC\ NIBLGAJE9HD8FB7D96B8596475353332443544655656757868\ 969A6AA7BB7CC7DD8EE8FF8GF9HG9IH9JIAKJALJAMKBNLBOMB\ PNCQNCROCSPDTQDUREVSEWSEXTFYUFZVF_WG`WGaXGbYHcZHd_\ He_If`IgaIhbJicJjdJkdKleKmfKngLohLphLqiMrjMsjMskOq\ kPokQnkRlkSjkTikUglVflWdlXblYalZ_l_Yl`XlaVlbTlzSlz\ QlzOmzNmzLmzKmzImzGmzFmzDszLyzSxzRvzPuzOszNrzLqzKo\ zJnzHlzGkzEizDhzCgzAez9dz8bz6az5XzASzENzJzmzzmzzmz\ zmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzzzzzzzzzzz\ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz\ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzMpgMofNneNmcOlb\ OkaPj`Pi_QhZQgYRfXSeWSdVTcUTbTUaSU`RV_QVYOWXNWWMXV\ LXUKYTJYSIZRH_QG_PF`OE`NDaMCaLBbKAbJ8cI7cH6dG5dF4e\ E3eD2fC1fB0eD1dE2dF2cG3bH3aJ4aK5`L5_M6ZN6ZO7YP8XQ8\ WR9WS9VUAUVBUWBTXCSYCRZDR_EQ`EPaFObFOdGNeHMfHLgILh\ IKiJRNeRQdQTdQXcP_bPbbOea } frm:XY-YZ-test03 {; Jim Muth ; real(p1)=rotation angle in degrees, ; imag(p1)=exponent of z ; p2=parallel planes, real(p3)=axis of ; rotation and parallel planes ; imag(p3) = escape radius z=sin(real(p1)*.01745329251994)*real(pixel)+p2, c=cos(real(p1)*.01745329251994)*real(pixel)+flip\ (imag(pixel))+real(p3): z=z^imag(p1)+c, |z| <= imag(p3) } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;