; July 17, 1997: Morphed ; ; morphed ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Would you believe it! After all that fuss yesterday about the ; innacurate terms in my XY-YZtest02 formula, I made a typo in the ; would-be correct version. Since the innacuracy is so small that it will ; never be noticed, I'll let it stand as a monument to the folly of ; laziness and haste. (For those who would like to see the boo-boo, ; search for the ...88... that should be ...99... ) ; ; Today's formula might be described as an all-purpose one. Highly ; experimental, it does a little bit of everything, but nothing quite ; right. Still, it draws some very unusual images. ; ; By setting p1 to 0,0, 0,1, 1,0 or 1,1, all four odd planes can be ; drawn. By setting p1 anywhere between these values, oblique and skewed ; planes can be drawn, though the angle of rotation is awkward and ; difficult to determine. ; ; The two parts of p2 draw planes parallel to the direction determined by ; p1. P3 adds a variable portion of a second term to the iterated part of ; the formula. Real p3 determines the portion and imag p3 determines the ; exponent. ; ; Until today's fractal, I had been disappointed by the paucity of midgets ; in the odd planes. I mean independent midgets not buried in the parent ; fractal. Of course, the Z^2 Mandelbrot set is connected, and most ; likely the Z^2 julibrot is also connected, so midgets standing all alone ; by themselves do not exist in the classic set. But some Mandelbrot ; fractals are not connected, and therefore have midgets standing alone, ; uncluttered by the clutter of the parent fractal. ; ; Today's image is part of the (Z^2+(0.2*Z^3)) julibrot. This figure is ; one of these unconnected fractals. It is surrounded by a cloud of ; disconnected midgets like our galaxy is surrounded by globular ; clusters. And these midgets are isolated and ready to be examined in ; all six planes. Today's image shows the central part of one of these ; outlying midgets sliced in the XZ direction. ; ; The classic Z^2 julibrot is a parabola in the XZ plane, and all its ; midgets are parabolic in shape. But in the XZ plane, the Z^3 julibrot ; is the "S" curve of the X^3 function, and in certain places the features ; are virtually undistorted. When mixed with the Z^2 figure, the Z^3 ; figure retains its "S" shape in the XZ plane, and when offset, ; intersects the satellite midgets in very interesting slices. ; ; Today's picture is part of a satellite midget of the (Z^2+(0.2*Z^3)) ; julibrot, sliced in the XZ plane. It resembles neither a Julia nor a ; Mandelbrot midget, but rather is like a morphed combination. The ; finished image has been posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. For tomorrow, ; I'll search out some even more interesting midgets in this fractal. ; Let's see if I can find something unlike anything seen before. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Morphed { ; time=0:00:11.97-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=SkewPlanes passes=1 center-mag=-3.54394/4.38209/58.54496/0.3982/90/3.8\ 8578058618804789e-016 params=1/0/1.495/0/0.2/3 float=y maxiter=400 bailout=100 inside=0 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000Ai5Dg7Fe8IcAKaBNZDPXESVGUTHXRJZPLaNMcLOf\ JPhGRkESmCUpAVr8XlEXgJXaPYXVYR_YMeYGkZBpZ5vZ7u_9t`\ BsaDrcEqdGpeIofKngMmhOliQkjSjlTimVhnXgoZfp_eqbgpdh\ pgipijpllpnmopnosooupokihaaaSVVTUXUS_URaVQcWPeXNhY\ MjYLlZJo_Iq`Hs`GuaExbDzaFv_IrZKnYMjWOfVRbUTZSVVRXR\ Q_NOaJNcFMeCJhAFk9Cn78q64t45s56s67r78q88q99pAAoBBo\ CCnCDmDElEFlFFkGGjHHjIIiJGhJFhKDgKBfL9eL8eM6dM9dPD\ dRGdUKdWNdZRd`UecXef`ehcekgemjepnerqeueWqUNlHDh53c\ 56a5A_5DX6HV6KT6NR6RP6UM6YK6`I6cG7gE7jB7n97q77t59s\ BArGBqLCpRDoWEn`FmeGlkHkpIju_ZZpODpOHpPKpPOpPRpPVp\ QYoQaoQdoQhoRkoRooRroRulSsiSrfTpcToaUmZUlWVjTViQVh\ NWfKWeIXcFXbCY`9Y_9XW9VS9UO9TK9RG9QC9O89N49M0BO1DP\ 2EQ2GS3IT4KU5LV5NW6PX7RZ8S_8U`9QbPMcdJdsDkwM__K`cI\ `fGajEanCbqAbuA`rA_o9Yl9Wi9Vf9Tc8R`8QY8OVHR`RUe_Wk\ hZpj_pmapobpqcpnbmkaki`hf`ec_c`Z`ZYYWXVTWTQWQOVNLU\ LITIWKShAbv1lt7krCjpIinNh } frm:SkewPlanes {; Jim Muth ;p1=(0,0)=YW, (0,1)=XW, (1,0)=XZ, (1,1)=YZ ;p2=parallel planes, p3=optional extra term a=real(p1), b=flip(cos(asin(real(p1)))), d=a+b, f=imag(p1), g=flip(cos(asin(imag(p1)))), h=f+g, z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p2)), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p2): z=(d*(sqr(z)))+(real(p3))*(z^(imag(p3)))+(h*c), |z| <= 36 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;