; July 18, 1997: Elephant Hints ; ; elephant hints ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Yesterday, I said that I would post something never before seen as ; today's fractal. That's a rather hard promise to keep, but I think that ; I've come a bit close with today's picture. ; ; The two well-known planes have distinctive features, which become ; familiar with only a small amount of exploring. The Mandelbrot planes ; have their familiar buds, valleys, stars, spirals, tendrils and of ; course, their midgets. The Julia planes have everything the M-planes ; have except the midgets. In addition, the Julia planes have those silly ; looking double spirals with the big noses, and are self-similar all the ; way down, which sometimes makes their exploration a bit dull. ; ; Until I found today's fractal, I considered the other four sets of ; planes rather dull also. But I suspected that this couldn't be true, ; because everything of interest that appears in the Mandelbrot and Julia ; planes also appears in the other four sets of planes, but sliced in a ; different direction. ; ; Today's fractal is named for what it is -- the first interesting and ; unique object I have found in the XW plane. As would be expected, it ; combines features of the Julia and Mandelbrot planes. The chains of ; Mandelbrot buds twist around those silly big-nose, pop-eyed features so ; characteristic of Julia sets. And everything is stretched and distorted ; as is always the case in the odd planes. ; ; Today's finished image has definitely been posted to a.b.p.f. and ; a.f.p. I have already seen it there. Anyone who can't find it on those ; groups has a problem with their news server. I know that some servers ; are slow at picking up articles. Sometimes it takes over a day for the ; Fractal of the day headers to appear on the AOL newsgroups list. ; ; One more thing needs to be discussed. There is confusion as to which ; axes are the X, Y, Z, and W axes in these odd plane fractals. I think ; of the Mandelbrot axes as X and Y, and the Julia axes as Z and W, while ; others consider the Julia axes as X and Y and the Mandelbrot axes as Z ; and W. This situation leads to the confusion. ; ; But there is never confusion between the planes when the names ; Mandelbrot and Julia are used to describe them -- the names make the ; planes unmistakable. By giving names such as Julia and Mandelbrot to ; the other four sets of planes, all this confusion could be avoided. (I ; would suggest the Muth planes for one of the directions, but my humility ; prevents me from doing so. ;-) ; ; Anyway, while I'm considering names for the four odd sets of planes, ; I'll dump the cat out of the chair and ensconce myself in front of the ; TV to watch one of those great old sci-fi films. By tomorrow, I'll have ; discovered other interesting scenes in the odd planes, and one of them ; I'll post. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Elephant_Hints { ; time=0:00:13.35-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=SkewPlanes passes=1 periodicity=10 center-mag=+0.03329006362212719/+0.707306265659175\ 6/216.0686/0.15/92.296/71.545 params=0/1/2/-0.003/\ 0.2/3 float=y maxiter=1200 inside=0 logmap=yes colors=000M`KLZHKXDKJAJK7JL3IM0OLAVKK`KUfJcmImqHtr\ KtsMquPnvRkwUhxWexZby`_zcXzeVyh`wketnjpqijsgZueMwW\ AyLEvNJrPNoQRlSWiU_eWcbYg_ZlW`pTbmWbjYcg`cdcc`ecYh\ dVjdSmdp`wo`unasmaqkanjalibjhbhfWddO_bHW`9R_8NZ7KZ\ 6GY4CX39W25d5Hn8SwBcmcRicPebM`bKXbHTbFPaCLaAGa7C`5\ 8`28X49T69P8AP8BO8CO8DN7EN7FN7GM7HM7IL7JL7KL7LK6MK\ 6NJ6OJ6YHChGHrENoGMmIKjKJgMIeOHbQF`SEYUDVWCTYAQ_9O\ a8NZCMWFMTJLQMKNQKKTJIXJF_ICcH9fH6jG3mF3jE3gD3cC3`\ B3YA3V94R84O74L64I54E44B34856968A8BBADDBFEDHFFKGGM\ HIOIJQJLSLNVMOXNQZOQXNQWMQULRTKRRJRQIROHRNGRLFRJER\ IDSGCSFBSDASC9SA8PDBMGDJJGHMIEPLBSN8VQ5YSEUYMRcVNh\ bJneMogOpjRqlUroWtqZutavvcwyfxnbsbYnSUihWMdyFTgTU4\ HPCQLJYWUqTToQSlNRjKQg8dCAbHB_MDYREVWGS`KkA`1KY5NV\ 8QSCUPGXMJ_JNblq6yMLsNOlNRfOU_PXUP_NQbui7ofCicHc`M\ YYRSVWMS`Ed7FaDF_JGXPGVVHS`llJlkElk9lj4h0YcEcZThUf\ nPtsMigK_WIQKPQIXPHcPF`NL } frm:SkewPlanes {; Jim Muth ;p1=(0,0)=YW, (0,1)=XW, (1,0)=XZ, (1,1)=YZ ;p2=parallel planes, p3=proportional extra term a=real(p1), b=flip(cos(asin(real(p1)))), d=a+b, f=imag(p1), g=flip(cos(asin(imag(p1)))), h=f+g, z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p2)), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p2): z=(d*(sqr(z)))+(real(p3))*(z^(imag(p3)))+(h*c), |z| <= 36 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;