; July 21, 1997: A Swiss Mandeloid ; ; swiss ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; It has been suggested that I attach the binary GIF files of my fractals ; to my F.O.T.D. postings. I have just re-read the Fractal-Art charter, ; and it says absolutely no binaries. If I began posting binaries, Jon ; would likely hang me, shoot me, behead me, draw and quarter me -- and ; then get nasty. ; ; The problem is that binaries, when UUE encoded, soak up far too much ; bandwidth. They can easily run over 1mb in size. And Aros.net does not ; seem to be the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art ISP. They're having ; trouble keeping track of the small text files that are posted to this ; group. If they were flooded with multi-megabytes of fractal images, ; they'd probably dry up and blow away. ; ; But although I doubt if I could post GIF's to the group, I'd be willing ; to E-mail them individually to a reasonable number of people who request ; them and can't pick them up anywhere else. The images are not ; copyrighted, not yet at least. But I'm seriously considering gathering ; the continuing F.O.T.D. writings into a book about the world of fractals ; and fractal art. ; ; Now on to today's fractal. As promised yesterday, it is a scene in the ; Z^2+(0.2*Z^3) mandeloid. This fractal is unusual not only in the number ; of bays and the variety of features, but also in that the image of its ; true XY plane is perfectly mirrored in the perturbed XY plane with a ; starting point of 3.70371+0i. ; ; We're all familiar with Mandelbrot midgets. They're lurking ; everywhere. I suspect that every point of the X-axis from 0.25 to -2.0 ; would prove to be in the interior of a midget if only we could search ; deeply enough. Today's midget turned up when I added 20 percent of the ; Z^3 M-set to the Z^2 set. ; ; I named the picture "Holey" because it's filled with holes. The midget ; is floating in a sea of Julia-like holes, in fact, it's riddled through ; and through with holes. There are some very interesting images in the ; Seahorse Valley area, is anyone wishes to search for them. At this ; time, I'm too busy with the julibrot odd planes to do much exploring of ; this very unusual scene. ; ; Today's finished image has been posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. for those ; who can pick it up there. Tomorrow, I'll return to the julibrot odd ; planes, where I've got a surprise or two waiting. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= A_Swiss_Mandeloid { ; time=0:00:11.92-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=ObliqueMixPlus passes=1 periodicity=10 center-mag=-2.21511210146912/-0.07069962348595532/\ 399.1919/1/180 params=3.70371/0/0/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=1200 bailout=100 inside=0 logmap=yes colors=000D`hF`lG`oAoRLoOXpLgpIrpFhpNYqVBOdDPjDSnE\ VqEYuE`xDcrDemCggChbEgZGeVI`RKXNMTJNPGRRFVTFZUFbWF\ fXFjZFneNqlVusaxziwugvqeulcsgarb_qZYpUWkWYgYZb_`Za\ aUccPedLgfGigGbaFXWFQQEJKQSOa`RmiVeYYYL`Q9ciu8drH_\ nQVkZPgfKdoF`xJYvOVuSSsWQr_NpdKnhHmlEkF0eJ7eNEfRLf\ VSfZZfbegflgjsgftgbuhZvhUvhQwiMxiTwV_vFfu0ZeEafNdf\ WhgckglnhungqofmofipeepdapdZod_ne`ne`jcbfacb_eZYfV\ VhRTiNRkJPlSLk_GjhCip7hy3gwJavZXuUYuPYtKZtF_sA`s5`\ r0abCZNPX7`UD_PJZKQZEWY9aX4XT5TQ5OM6JI6EE7AB7578LJ\ LaWYqgjiacaWXVQQNJIFDB774965C56E46H37J28L5EM8KOBRQ\ DXRGbTJh`TagbVokNvuGtqPqnYojfmgnlbplYqlUrlPslKtlGu\ lBviBreAobAk_AhXAdT9aQ9YPFZPK`OQaNWcMadMffLlgQgcWb\ Z`YVeTRjONpJIuEErLFnRHkYIgcJfZMeVPdQSdLVcGYbC`a7c`\ 2fUBiOKmHSpA`sDXiGT_JOQMKGOG7TLLYQZaVkaTlaRlaPmbNm\ bKnbInbGobEo`FoZGnXHnVInSImQJmOKlMLl6HJDLKKQLSUMZY\ NebOlfPSNI73CA3DD2EG2FJ1G } frm:ObliqueMixPlus {;Jim Muth z=(p1+pixel), c=p2+(p3*pixel): z=sqr(z)+(0.2*(z*z*z))+c, |z| <=100 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;