; July 24, 1997: Tiles ; ; tiles ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; I've done it again -- I've made another boo-boo in my F.O.T.D. In ; yesterday's post I said that the fractal image "Spires" lay in the true ; Mandelbrot plane of the Z^3+(0.2*Z^3) fractal. The image most certainly ; does not. While looking over the fractal's parameters earlier today, I ; noticed that p3 was set to 0+.3i, not the 1,0 which would have put the ; image in the true plane It's only a small error, but I try to be as ; accurate as my limited knowledge will permit. ; ; Today's fractal, "Tiles", is a brief departure from my usual stuff. The ; name needs no explanation. It looks almost exactly like what one would ; see on the wall around the bath. ; ; The formula has been lying unused in my hold file for a while. It is my ; own reworking of a formula I picked up somewhere on the net several ; months ago. It might even have been from someone in the Fractal-Art ; group -- I don't recall. But whatever its source, it's pretty effective ; at producing tile-like fractals. Simply set p1 to the coordinates of an ; interesting area of the Mandelbrot set, and watch the fun as you try the ; thousands of function combinations. ; ; The image has been posted to a.b.p.f. and a.f.p. for those who have ; access to those groups. ; ; Now I must explain how I colored yesterday's image. Yesterday's fractal ; took advantage of a feature of Fractint that is not too often used -- ; the ranges feature. As I explained in the article, in all slices of the ; julibrot figure except the Julia slices and the true Mandelbrot slice, ; the low and high iteration areas of the image behave like independent ; entities, often doing apparently unrelated things. ; ; When I use the ranges feature, I take advantage of this peculiarity by ; coloring the high and low iteration parts with contrasting colors, which ; emphasizes the different dynamics, and using banding on the ; low-iteration areas, which gives these low parts a rather convincing ; three-dimensional appearance. ; ; The most effective point to change from low-iteration bands to the high ; iteration colors must be found by experiment, but it is usually about ; one-tenth of the fractal's maxiter. The higher the magnitude of the ; fractal, the higher the change point must be. ; ; Tomorrow, I'll most likely return to my favorite fractal -- the ; julibrot. ; ; Until then, may all your fractals be great ones. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Tiles { ; time=0:00:04.95-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=Mosaic function=conj/cotan/flip/cotan passes=1 center-mag=0/0/0.07978936/0.8896 params=0/0.68 float=y maxiter=90 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=10 colors=000OjVHApF8pD7pA5p83pU8ZZE`cLbiRcnYescgtjpu\ qxuapu_nuYltWitUgtSetQctOasNZsLXsJVsHTsFRrDOrBMr9K\ nDMjHNgLPcPQ_USWYTTaVPeWLiYPgWTdTWbR_`PcYNgWKkTIoR\ GrPEvMBzK9vOBqSDmVGiZIdbK`fMXiPSmROqTTzcPxWLwP8toD\ uZMHBKVEJhGklQRP`PYWMeRKnMzlce5oYNcQdTTOUQXRNeOKnL\ _7aXf_SlUNqOv0jMq9KtEIexgzs`yiVx`OwR0AU9ZOE1Aun9ar\ E`f3RnBb5FSWHw`ubkaXxoIdaImSF9mHYYIKKIXJIiItY`gfUV\ nOmC3eO7Y_BQkFtrMu`gakVMKvoKkXKkTIiPFfMDdIAaE8_A5X\ XI_rUblTdfTg`SiVSlPRnZSeiTWsUNrVPpWRoXTmYVlZXj_Zi_\ ag`cfaedbgcciadk`emdWogNrkDtn3vn5un7snArmCpmEomGmm\ JlmLjmNimPglRflUdlWclYai`ZfbXbeU_gRXjPUlMRoJNqGKtE\ HvBIvFZFBqDYhPU__QRkMWCZP_Qx6B2`bAkSxjwH91HM5IYAIj\ E78MDYKg3NXVNPGtLa`ZlpVogQqZMtQt9igQ_VfR0Ig6WZCiQY\ FkSUaNhSqVZhaV_hQRoMZyHVxHQwIMvI`p8WrBRsDMuGldxdim\ XmbPrSFqAsYnePgkVgp`gvfg_QZE9RaLQxWQr_RkdSehTZlTTq\ UMuV5fcAlWEqP_TVWv7RvBMvF } frm:Mosaic {; thanks to someone unknown ; p1=Mandelbrot set coordinates z=c=p1+.05*(fn1(fn2(real(pixel)))+flip(fn3\ (fn4(imag(pixel))))): z=sqr(z)+c, |z| <= 100 } ; END 19.6 FIL3====================================================== ;