; July 25, 1997: Sun in the Jungle ; ; jungle ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Last evening I dreamed I was holding in my hand a four-dimensional ; hypercube, actually feeling the impossible shape of the thing. Then I ; woke up and found that I had fallen asleep while playing with a Rubik's ; cube. Too bad that after I awoke I couldn't recall how the hypercube ; had appeared. ; ; Today's fancy little fractal image is named "Foliage". I named it ; because it reminds me of a scene viewed through a break in the foliage ; of some unimaginably exotic distant land. Actually it's the fractal ; that results when the formula Z^(-Z^(Z+2)) is iterated. ; ; Raising Z to powers of Z usually results in fractured fractals too ; chaotic to be of much interest. But sometimes quite interesting images ; result, as demonstrated by today's fractal. ; ; Today's finished image, a rather large file, has been posted to ; alt.binaries.pictures.fractals and alt.fractals.pictures. I can't ; understand why so many are having trouble retrieving the images from ; those Usenet groups. I checked earlier today and found that every image ; I had posted over the past two weeks was still available there, through ; both my Mindspring and AOL ISP's. I suspect that because of the size of ; the files and the number of porno postings some news servers don't carry ; the binary groups. I think Deja News cancels binary postings. ; ; Tomorrow, unless I turn up a really great fractal somewhere else, I'll ; return to the julibrot. There's no end of surprises to be had simply by ; getting a new perspective on an old object. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Sun_in_the_Jungle { ; time=0:00:26.86-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jim.frm formulaname=TowerMinExp02 passes=1 center-mag=0.14\ 3673/0/2.532 params=2/0/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=400 inside=bof61 logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=10 colors=000oIg000B0G3F2NMD63KQM9Vv4_lPFqdTdW0aotjEp\ eGm`JiWLF0lM7eTE__LTfgMfaNfXNcgedaZeXTwbaqZXkVSPxl\ beVcaTdZReVPjLFxCZrIVlNRzz2uq7phDk_IMOO2YH8ZxHXnQV\ eZTWohTiw0pUxmTnkTenCZq7bFMLKKGPIBUG5ZE0iSVfUTcXR`\ ZPLdZ5jhFnUOrGReHVSIYFJZfHbZKThLOh4sKynNljQ_n_jkXb\ hUVbBJ278EFoLIhTM`_PUSrmXida`WXgr_cja_bdWVr6aoCYlH\ UiNQWOMzaZpXTJwbv3cpCYkKSEOMLPMTQN_RNtxl7UcJTYVSSy\ O7tPBoQFjRJaeEdZJ059FDETLJbamdYdeVWhV9gTGyLRoPPn4h\ AAARJHI_KVWM81iQFYtgDpcGm_IiWLLZMTWN_UNaWAmngKRYQR\ VWSSaSPIVvRUjZTZfoTfgRf_Pp0zlAliJ_xF13un5Ofn9olEhj\ J`hOUsUoyrXIUJEmDTbIljLjcMhYN4NiOQYyWFrUIlTLwPVsQT\ nRRjSPFl_TaTRKWVMUZORbQPX0A`AFcJJaE`EKUTOQYKibOYJR\ utDToIRjNPO2NYFNgaUfYRfVP53qOGa3nOHfNUZNSJHWLJ_OKc\ QMMoQTgP__ORrIZdL9uTImRQfQZZOa9LcGMeMNX37aGFzRkThr\ s77lIFBZTRVQyhWrbTlXQuXJmULV95`JEYh3U3lZCcbKVRjLXc\ MaYNEQuTRcWrZqyEkhJHdnzz0 } frm:TowerMinExp02 {; Jim Muth z=pixel, c=p2+(p3*pixel): z=z^(-z^(z+p1))+c, |z| <= 100 } ; END 19.6 FILE================================================ ;