; July 29, 1997: Indigo Forest Scene ; ; indigo ; ; Fractal visionaries: ; ; Today's FOTD should be called yesterday's FOTD, because I'm that late ; posting it. It would have been on time but for the telephone, which ; stopped working yesterday evening. But the telephone company has come ; to the rescue and fixed the telephone, and everything is now working ; again. ; ; The fractal is named "Forest". It's one of those frequently appearing ; images that reminds me of a scene looking through the trees of a magical ; fairyland forest. The scene is in the same area of almost the same ; mandeloid as the "Squared" fractal, but sliced in the YZ direction. ; ; This area of this particular mandeloid is very rich in undiscovered ; treasures. I'll probably be several more days digging around here at ; various angles, seeing what goodies I can find. For tomorrow, I well ; might post one of those treasures. ; ; Although today's finished image has not yet been posted to the two ; fractal Usenet groups, it will be posted there as soon as I post this ; message. ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; START 19.6 FILE============================================= Indigo_ForestScene { ; time=0:01:15.64-SF5 on P4-2000 reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=jul-97.par formulaname=ManN-YZ passes=1 center-mag=0/-0.00289\ 281071967019/425.0693/0.03227 params=0/-1.7444/\ 2.003/0/1/0 float=y maxiter=1200 inside=253 logmap=yes symmetry=xyaxis periodicity=10 colors=000WD8VC7UC7SB6RB5QA5PA4N93M83L82K71I71H60G\ 60G71GF1G71G81G81GF1G91G91G91GI1GA1GA1GB1GL1GB1GC1\ GC1GM1GD2GD2GE2GE2GT2GE2GE2GF2GF2GF2GG2GG2GY7GH2GH\ 2GI2GI2GI2GJ2GJ2GJ2GK2GK2GK3GL3GL3GL3GM3GM3GM3GN3G\ N3GN3GO3GO3GO3GP3GP3GP3GQ3GQ3GQ3GR3GR4GR4GS4GS4GS4\ GT4GT4GT4GU4GU4GU4GV4GV4GV4GW4GW4GW4GX4GX4GX5GX5GY\ 5GY5GY5GZ5GZ5GZ5G_5G_5G_5G`5G`5G`5Ga5Ga5Ga5Gb5Gb5G\ b6Gc6Gc6Gc6Gd6Gd6Gd6Ge6Ge6Ge6Gf6Gf6Gf6Gg6Gg6Gg6Gh6\ Gh6Gh6Gi6Gi7Gi7Gj7Gj7Gj7Gk7Gk7Gk7Gl7Gl7AhZAhZAhYAh\ YAhYAhYAhXAhXAhXAhXAhWAhWAhWAhWAhVAhVKcVKdVKdUKdUK\ dUKdUKdTKdTKeTKeTKeSKeSKeSKeRKeRKfRkaRkaQjaQjaQiaQ\ iaPibPhbPhbPgbOgbOfbOfcOfcNecNecNdcNdcMdcMcdMcdMbd\ LbdLbdLadKadK`eK`eK`eJ_eJ_eJZeJZeIZfIYfIYfIXfHXfHW\ fHWgHWgGVgGVgGUgGUgFUgFThFThFShEShEShERhDRhDQiDQiD\ QiCPiCPiCOiCOiBOjBNjBNjBMjAMjALjALkALk9Kk9Kk9Jk9Jk\ 8Jk8Il8Il8Hl7Hl700UYEAXE9 } frm:ManN-YZ { z=real(pixel)+flip(real(p1)), c=flip(imag(pixel))+imag(p1): z=z^p2+(p3*c), |z| <= 16 } ; END 19.6 FILE=============================================== ;