volcagel { ; Fractal of the day, 22-08-97 ; 7 min on 486-100mhz, 640x480 reset=1960 type=formula formulaname=XY-XWrot-N passes=1 center-mag=0.779661/-3.9968e-015/0.3969568/1/-90 params=33/1.1/0/0/0/0 float=y maxiter=128 bailout=100 inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=10 colors=000mtl<7>OalL_lK_m<22>4Ej3Dj1Ck<23>TFfUFfVGg<25>_Yv_Zw`Yz<17>QiIP\ jGNiF<22>hj3qu0<7>KFC<29>Wh_b_m<4>NxG<23>sLVtJWvJV<26>ZGgZGg_Hg<10>gPfhQ\ fiPg<8>gS_ } frm:XY-XWrot-N {; Jim Muth, thanks to Benno Schmid ; real(p1) = rotation angle in degrees, imag(p1 = exponent of Z, ; p2 = parallel planes, ; p3 = point of rotation and parallel planes, z=sin(real(p1)*.01745329251994)*flip(imag(pixel))+p2, c=cos(real(p1)*.01745329251994)*flip(imag(pixel))+real(pixel)+p3: z=(-z)^imag(p1)+c |z| <= 25 }