; Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2011 16:36:44 -0500 ; From: Jim Muth ; Subject: [Fractint] FOTD 09-12-11 (The Great Unknown [7]) ; Id: <> ; --------- ; ; FOTD -- December 09, 2011 (Rating 7) ; ; Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: ; ; Today we take the last and perhaps least trip into the parent ; fractal that has kept us occupied for nearly one week -- the ; fractal that results when 5 parts of Z^0.7 are subtracted from 5 ; parts of Z^(0.5) and C is added on each iteration. This parent ; consists of a Mandeloid with a main bay rotated 180 degrees so ; that it's East Valley is on its west side. The largest bud, ; which lies east of the main bay is shaped somewhat like the body ; of a violin. At the far end of this large bud, where the main ; spike would be expected to sprout, lies nothing but a huge ; valley with a vast emptiness beyond -- I call this nothingness ; "The Great Unknown", which also happens to be the name of the ; image. ; ; The image lies on the unknown (east) side of the north branch of ; the huge valley, where only limitless chaos surrounds the few ; minibrots. This chaos surrounds the central minibrot in today's ; image like a 'mystic forest', which is a name I almost chose for ; the image. ; ; The image, with its brilliantly colored slices, is well worth ; seeing. But it has one huge drawback -- it is slow, taking 20 ; minutes to finish, and making the calculation a task. When the ; individual fractalist finishes the calculation, he will have to ; decide for himself whether the image on his screen is worth the ; 20 minutes that were required to calculate it. ; ; Luckily, there are online web sites where the finished image is ; conveniently posted. The official FOTD web site is at: ; ; ; ; and the high-definition web site is at: ; ; ; ; The original, now classic, web site is at: ; ; ; ; A mixture of clouds and sun, and a temperature of 45F +7C, made ; the day close to average here at Fractal Central. The fractal ; cats spent most of the day getting used to the new furniture ; arrangement in the FC living room. By the end of the day they ; both had pretty much adjusted to the change. ; ; My opinion is that the new furniture arrangement is about as ; workable as the old. In other words, I'm neutral. FL is not ; yet totally satisfied with the new layout however, so I would ; not be surprised if more changes are soon made. The next FOTD ; fractal is almost sure to appear in 24 hours. Until then, take ; care, and when a neurologist begins worrying about his brain, ; he's in an infinite loop. His mind is thinking about his brain, ; while his brain is the source of his mind. ; ; ; Jim Muth ; jamth@mindspring.com ; ; ; START PARAMETER FILE======================================= The_Great_Unknown { ; time=1:13:27.51 SF5 at 200MHZ reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm formulaname=MandAutoCritInZ function=ident passes=1 center-mag=+11.503106232583/+12.956456013235/6116\ 657/1/-160/0 params=5/0.5/-5/0.7/0/300/0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 inside=0 logmap=1400 periodicity=6 colors=000AAA8It8Co97j91eLFdXTbgeabbUZ_OUXHPUBLR4H\ O0EL0LH7RELX9Zb7mh4zUJ1bR8jXFrdLzjTzqZqRW_3Te4Oj4L\ o4Ht4Ey49z47m8F_COLFX8Je0Mm1Ol6Pl9RjFTjJUhOUh_ZUjb\ Hvg4zl0z_0yO0tC4i18m0Bt08r66tE3vL1yU0za0zj0zr0zm0z\ h0yd0w_0vW0tR0tM0t40r61q64o68o6Bm1Fm0Jl0Ol0Tj0Xj0a\ m0XoHTrZOtqJvzFryJomMldPhUTeLWbBZ_3ad0eg0jj0oo0tr0\ yv0zy0zv0zq0zU0Eb0Cm09y07z16zW9zZ8za7wb7vZ6th6qj4o\ m4lo3jr3hv1ew1dz0bz0ew0gr0jo0lj0oe0qb0tZ0vW0rX7qXE\ oZMmZUjZbh_jg_te_zaXvXWodTCPRbMOXIMRFJLBIF8F94E41B\ 00900800E06I09M0FT0LX0Pa0Wg0al0eq0aj0Zt1Uv6kv9MwE`\ yIHyMCzR9zW6z_3zd0zh0zm0zq0wlbohbgemdaOMZOLWOET13L\ 7TdBPhhhoLWtIjFB_H6PJ0FL06O00P0EhCWz7X0Th1mtFzzUzw\ PzoMzgJz_FzTCzM9zIBzFBzCBz9Cz7CzbCrbBrb9rbzzb7zbIq\ bTejzWjzLjzTjz_ezgbzmbzvbzzbzzbzrjzarzLyz6zz0zzMzz\ vzrqzjlzbgzWbzOZz_UzhPzrbzzrzrrzjrzbrzXrzPzzIzzBzz\ 6zzEzzLzzUzzazzhzzgzz9zzC } frm:MandAutoCritInZ {; Jim Muth a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(((-a*b*g*h)^j)+(p4)), k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel): z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c, |z| < l } ; END PARAMETER FILE========================================= ; ; ; ; _______________________________________________ ; Fractint mailing list ; Fractint@mailman.xmission.com ; http://mailman.xmission.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fractint ;