
    CMSDATAQ.C -- CMS Data Aquisition window
     L. R. Erickson, Apr. 1994
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cms.h"  

static cxMinSize, cyMinSize ;
static cxDispChar, cyDispChar ;
static iNumDispPts, iNumDispLines ;


//************* Start of CMSDataAcqWndProc *************************

long FAR PASCAL _export CMSDataAcqWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, 
          UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
     static HWND     hwndClient, hwndFrame, hwndDispSetupButton  ;
     static HMENU    hMenuDataAcq, hMenuDataAcqWindow ;
     static FARPROC  lpfnDataSetupDlgProc ;

     int i ;
     HDC hdc ;

     switch (message)
        case WM_CREATE:

              // Save window handles    
           hwndClient = GetParent (hwnd) ;
           hwndFrame  = GetParent (hwndClient) ;

           lpfnDataSetupDlgProc = MakeProcInstance ((FARPROC)
                                  DataSetupDlgProc, globhCMSInst) ;       

           hMenuDataAcq  = LoadMenu (globhCMSInst, "CMSDataAcqMenu") ;
           hMenuDataAcqWindow  = GetSubMenu (hMenuDataAcq, DATAACQ_MENU_POS) ;

           CalcMinSize () ;

              // Make a control button
           hwndDispSetupButton = CreateWindow (
                    "DATA SETUP", 
                    WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, 
                    21 * cxDispChar,                    
                    ((iNumDispLines - 2) * cyDispChar) +
                          (cyDispChar / 2),
                    12 * cxDispChar,
                    (7 * globcyCharSpace) / 4,
                    hwnd, IDCNTL_SETUPBUTTON, globhCMSInst, NULL) ;

             // Start other windows
//           PostMessage (hwndFrame, WM_COMMAND, ID_MAKEOPSWIN, 0L) ; 

           return 0 ;

        case WM_MDIACTIVATE:

                       // Set the Data Acquisition menu if gaining focus

             if (wParam == TRUE)
                  SendMessage (hwndClient, WM_MDISETMENU, 0,
                         MAKELONG (hMenuDataAcq, hMenuDataAcqWindow)) ;

             DrawMenuBar (hwndFrame) ;
             return 0 ;

      case WM_SIZE :

         ReSizeData (lParam) ;
         MoveWindow (hwndDispSetupButton,
                    21 * cxDispChar,                    
                    ((iNumDispLines - 2) * cyDispChar) +
                          (cyDispChar / 2),
                    12 * cxDispChar,
                    (7 * globcyCharSpace) / 4,
                    TRUE) ; 
           break ;        

      case WM_PAINT :
         hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
         for (i = 0 ; i < iNumDispPts ; i++)
             DrawDataPt(hwnd, i, hdc) ;
         EndPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
         return 0 ;
      case WM_COMMAND :
         switch (wParam)
           case IDCNTL_SETUPBUTTON :
             if (DialogBox (globhCMSInst, "DataSetupDlgBox",
                            hwnd, lpfnDataSetupDlgProc))
                InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE) ; 
             return 0 ;
         return 0 ; 

      case WM_DESTROY :
             DestroyMenu (hMenuDataAcq) ;
             return 0 ;

     return DefMDIChildProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam) ;

//************* End of CMSDataAcqWndProc *************************

//****************** Start of DrawDataPt *************************

void DrawDataPt( HWND hwnd, int Point, HDC hdc)
    RECT PtRect ;
    char szReadingBuf[8] ; = (Point / 3) * cyDispChar ;
    PtRect.bottom = + cyDispChar ;
    PtRect.left = ((Point % 3) * (18 * cxDispChar)) +
                                       cxDispChar ;
    PtRect.right = PtRect.left + (8 * cxDispChar) ;

    DrawText (hdc, (LPSTR) CMSData[CMSData[Point].disporder].displabel,
                   8, &PtRect, DT_NOCLIP | DT_SINGLELINE |
                       DT_LEFT) ;

    PtRect.left = PtRect.right ;
    PtRect.right = PtRect.left + (8 * cxDispChar) ;
    if ((CMSData[Point].reading < 999) && 
              (CMSData[Point].reading > -999)) 
        _snprintf (szReadingBuf, 7, "%5.2f", CMSData[Point].reading ) ;
        strcpy ( szReadingBuf, "RNGERR") ; 

    DrawText (hdc, szReadingBuf, -1, &PtRect, DT_NOCLIP | DT_SINGLELINE |
                       DT_RIGHT) ;


//****************** End of DrawDataPt *************************

//****************** Start of CalcMinSize ************************
void CalcMinSize (void)
      cxMinSize = globcxCharSpace * 54 ; 
      iNumDispPts = 0 ;
      while (CMSData[iNumDispPts].disporder < 999) iNumDispPts ++ ;
      iNumDispLines = ((iNumDispPts + 2) / 3) + 2 ;
      cyMinSize = iNumDispLines * globcyCharSpace ;


//****************** End of CalcMinSize ************************

//****************** Start of ResizeData ************************

void ReSizeData (LONG lParam)

    if ((int) LOWORD (lParam) <= cxMinSize)
                 cxDispChar = globcxCharSpace ;
       cxDispChar = (int) (((LONG) globcxCharSpace 
           * (LONG) LOWORD (lParam)) / (LONG) cxMinSize) ;

    if ((int) HIWORD (lParam) <= cyMinSize)
                 cyDispChar = globcyCharSpace ;
       cyDispChar = (int) (((LONG) globcyCharSpace 
           * (LONG) HIWORD (lParam)) / (LONG) cyMinSize) ;

//****************** End of ResizeData ************************

//****************** Start of DataSetupDlgProc ************************

BOOL FAR PASCAL _export DataSetupDlgProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message,
                               UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
    switch (message)
      case WM_INITDIALOG :
         LoadPtList (hDlg) ; 
         return TRUE ;

      case WM_COMMAND :
         switch (wParam)
          case ID_DISPDLGEXIT :
            EndDialog (hDlg, 0) ;
            return TRUE ;
          break ;
   return FALSE ;

//****************** End of DataSetupDlgProc ************************

//******************* Start of LoadPtList **********************

void LoadPtList (HWND hwnd) 
     int i ;
     HWND hwndList ;
     hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_DISPDLGPT) ;

     for (i = 0 ; i < iNumDataPts ; i++)
         SendMessage ( hwndList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0,
                       (LONG) (LPSTR) CMSData[i].instru) ;

//******************* End of LoadPtList **********************